4th Of July

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[Sorry For Any Grammar Mistakes]
4th of July, 1985. It was over, the Mind Flayer was gone, but everything was not the same. El was waiting for the doctor, she was limping while walking because of that scar on her leg. El kept walking nervously until Hopper calmed her down.

"El please calm down and sit, your leg is going to get worse. Look we're all waiting for the doctor and..."
"No! You can't understand me! My, my boyfriend is inside in that goddamn room and he's f-fighting for his life! And all of this, all of this happened because of me!"

Tears were streaming down from her cheek, she wiped away her tears when the doctor came out.
"I-is he ok?"
"I want you to calm down..."

El understood what happened, she was no longer able to see her boyfriend again. More tears started to stream down from both of her cheeks and she wasn't able to stand properly. She limbled and lost her balance, and then fall into Hopper's arms. She fluttered between his arms and shouted:

"No! No! I know he's alive! I have to see him! Let me go! Let me go!"
"Wait wait wait! You understood me wrong! He's alive, sorry for starting to talk like this"

Everyone took a deep breath, Eleven stood up and walked towards the doctor.
"Then, w-what's wrong?"
"He's alive, but we don't think he'll be able to wake up again.

Will and the rest of the gang stood up. The corridor was in deep silence for 3 seconds. "What do you mean?"
"I'm so sorry to say that but, he's in a coma. This coma that he's facing with, is way more complicated than the normal ones. But that's not the point. The point is, he has a lot of scars and they're all big and critical, which makes his coma worse"

Everyone was in shock. El's boyfriend, Will's best friend, Karen's son Mike, was never going to wake up again.

The doctor was about to go but El stopped her.
"Wait, isn't, isn't there anything to wake him up?"
"Like I said, his condition is getting worse. I can't give a specific answer to this question. But for now, no."

The doctor was about to go again but this time Hopper stopped her.
"Can we see him?"
"Sure, but one by one please. It will be better for him."

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