A note to the viewer/reader

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Okay so let's get this started, this will be an escape to an amazing friend of mine. Arnie as I know them as or Romeo to all of you. Anyways, I thought that this would be a cool gift because they're often shy about showing off their works but they also think it's cool with seeing everyone else's expressions when they view their works. But before I start with the pictures and everything, I'll give you rules. Not saying that everyone needs these but to those who find it hard to understand.

- Don't compare their art to anyone else's (meaning don't say "Hey, your oc looks like so and so"

- constructive criticism only (meaning if you have an opinion, or idea. Give into detail to how they can approve or something that you think would fit. Don't just give rude comments)

- if they spend more time drawing and not updating stories, don't rush them. Drawing helps them in many ways. It's an escape from stress (like how music helps others, or doing something that makes someone happy helps)

- if you want to take a screenshot of the picture. Ask. Arnie (Romeo ) would be more than happy to let you have a picture.

- have fun

- if you wanna know the back story, ask arnie (romeo) would be more than happy to tell you

Well have fun I guess? I don't really know how to work this. So I guess, enjoy? ~Billy

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