Same hotel room?

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You guys finished your food. You guys then left to the hotel chatting about what cosplays you guys are gonna do

You guys were going as ATTACK ON TITAN characters you obviously as Levi. Isabela was gonna be Erwin. And rebecca as hange.

Izzy: so what hotel room y'all got?

Y/n: room.. 308

Amanda: that's my room number

Y/n: 👁👄👁 cool

Izzy: me and becca have the same room sooo..

Becca: yay!

Liz: then who am I sharing with 👁👄👁

???: hey y/n!

Y/n: hm? Marah!

(Fun fact when I read bigpapacosplay x reader so many people think marah is a boy marah is a girl😋)

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(Fun fact when I read bigpapacosplay x reader so many people think marah is a boy marah is a girl😋)

Marah: hi hello good day!

Y/n: 👁👄👁 bruh

Marah: :)

Y/n: so what are you doing here?

Marah: looking for my roommate Ken and Olivia share a room

Y/n: well what's you room number?

Marah: uhhhh 303

Y/n: Liz what's yours?

Liz: 303

Marah: :0

Time skip by 🍤🍤🍤 shrimpppp

No pov)

Y/n had just finished getting out of cosplay and sat on the floor on her phone while amanda was busy making some tiktoks

A few minutes later amanda went live and explained that she was at a con and in the hotel. And you were just stalking some of bukkitbrowns vids

You got bored and went to the small kitchen amanda was quite. You were confused when you turned around...

End of chapter 2

Akrcos(amanda) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now