Cursed Love

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It had been a busy day.

It felt like Sonia had been almost everywhere in Motostoke, going from one store to another just to collect the books she needed. And with a market taking place in the main street, every store and spot on the streets were packed with people, all taking an interest in the unusual wares that were on sale. She was constantly fighting against the crowds as she tried to reach the train station, and had to keep a firm grip on her heavy bags lest they were washed away with the crowds. She was tired and dead on her feet, all she wanted was to get back home and finish the day.

"You there! Pretty girl!"

Sonia lifted her head up at the call, and spotted an old woman sat behind a portable table, gesturing her to come closer. On her table were odd knickknacks and charms, all accented with hearts and other romantic imagery, with tags that showed they were for sale.

Sonia approached suspiciously.

"Hello there ma'am" Sonia greeted trying to sound polite.

"Ah, you sure are a pretty little thing," The woman complimented with a smile "A girl like you, I bet you're interested in love yes?"

"Well, can't say I'm not".

"Oho! Then I bet you'll love these!" The lady reached down by her side, and produced a metal tin to sit out in front of them. She pulled open the lid and showed off the contents inside. There were dozens of biscuits, all baked in the shape of a heart with a jam center, also in the shape of a heart. The tin must have been keeping their scent locked away, as even in the busy street of Motostoke, Sonia could smell a gentle and inviting warm and sweet scent wafting towards her. They were making her realise how hungry she was "These look like normal cookies you'd say, but I'll have you know these are very special biscuits".

"Is that so?" Sonia replied trying to sound somewhat interested.

"Yes! Why, if you and a special someone were to eat these biscuits together, then you'd surely be destined for marriage. I guarantee it! And for you, my lovely, I'll sell them to you for three hundred. What do you say?"

It was an obvious scam, Sonia thought. No doubt this woman had called out to every young girl who passed by her table, and tried to tempt them to buy something off of her with the promise it would bring them fortune in love, it was an obvious trick. The cookies she was offering were probably nothing more than a cutely shaped jam biscuit she cooked the night before, there was nothing special or powerful about them.

Still, it was a cheap price, and looking at them again Sonia's stomach gave an unsightly gurgle from hunger. They costed a little more than a regular potion, there wasn't any harm in indulging herself just once was there?

"Okay ma'am," Sonia shifted her bags around so she could pull out her money "I'll buy just one tin".

"Oh you won't regret it!" The lady assured, and once Sonia handed over the money, she passed the tin over "I hope you have luck in your future".

"Ah, thanks" Sonia replied and tucked the tin into her bag, with another parting to the woman Sonia hurried off on her way to the train station.

Once Sonia hopped onto the train back to Wedgehurst and found a spare seat to take, she pulled open the tin again, and took out one of the biscuits to examine. The texture felt crumbly, even as she held it in her palm, and the jam center glistened in the evening light. She happily popped it into her mouth, and chewed on it.

She couldn't deny that it tasted good.

She helped herself to a couple more as she waited for her stop to pull up, and once back in Wedgehurst, she hurried back to her lab. There she set the tin down on one of the tables, and got to work sorting out her books into their new homes on the shelves, occasionally taking a biscuit every time she passed the tin to treat herself. Once she had tidied up and everything was ready for the next morning, Sonia locked the lab up, and returned to her grandmothers.

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