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it's not that i could have burnt 39$,

but it was that you lied.

when the messages popped up on my computer screen i was fuming

i ripped up the the letter i was writing you

i told my mom i didn't need to go to the mall

i forgot about anything we ever had


just the feeling of someone pretending to be your friend

pretending to love you

it couldn't be true


the sweet beautiful girl i knew

would never do such a thing

did i care?

in the beginning


i was ready to drive to your house for 22 hours and 36 minutes and 17 seconds just to scream at you

after awhile i calmed down

it was funny

it was funny that i was thinking about sending you shit i bought

im not as rude as i sound love,

it just takes time to see through all my feelings

i still love you


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