Chapter 5

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We went to a restaraunt down town.  On the car ride , Ashton drove, Michael stayed in the passenger seat. Luke, me and Calum sat in the back seat.

Luke was actually being decent today and I liked it. Who knew he could be pleasant and within a 10 mile radius of me? Not me.

We ended up going to a McDonalds but I was totally okay with it.

Once we ate we went back to the hotel. Calum and Michael went to a bar , Ashton went to a concert. Luke and me stayed at the hotel. Michael told me I could stay in him and Luke's room and Cal told me if he started being an ass to call him.

Throughout the evening me and Luke watched a funny movie, played drunken truth or dare. By the end of the night he had squeezed my butt a few times. Even though I was drunk, I still knew that he only did it because he was intoxicated.

But that didn't matter because we were having a good time for once.

At around midnight I began to get hungry, "Hemmings!"

He sat up on the bed.

"What?" He asked.

"Please tell me that I'm not the only one that's hungry," I said.

"I would say you're the only one to piss you off but I'm hungry," He stated.

We agreed to go to a bar downtown. We walked in and Luke guided me to the bar. He ordered two beers and that's where it all started. At about 1 I began to get tipsy.  I gazed around the room. Unexpectedly, my eyes caught sight of Cal. And a girl. I squinted to see more clearly. It was defiantly a girl. And he was most defiantly grinding on her. My eyes started to tear up. I looked down at the small promise ring on my finger. I wiped the tears away and stood up. I stumbled over to Calum, leaving Luke at the bar. I slipped off the promise ring as I found my way to Calum. I tapped him on the arm and as soon as he turned around I threw the ring at him.

"There's for nothing," I yelled over the music and ran back to get my jacket off the bar stool before running out of the bar. I could hear Calum calling after me but I wasn't stopping. I kept running until he caught up to me.

"Grace," He said and grabbed my arm.

His eyes were red and he was on the verge of tears. That makes two of us.

I turned my back to him and began to walk across the empty street.

I heard another voice that wasn't Calums calling for me. Luke. Great.

"Grace Angeline Parker, don't walk away from me," Calum shouted.

"Dont tell me what to do," I screamed.

Luke was now standing behind Calum.

"Get back here," Calum yelled and ran across the road.

"No!" I snapped, "Don't you have a slut to go grinding on?"

"No I don-" He started but I cut him off.

"Sure looked like it," I said and rolled my eyes. I started walking off but he stood in front of me.

"It wasn't what it looked like," He growled.

"It was what it looked like," I yelled and ran past him. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back to him.

"Let go of me," I screamed.

I could hear Luke's foot steps running  towards me and Calum.

"Let go of her," Luke ordered Calum.

"Stay out of it Luke," Calum snapped at him.

"No, let go of her Calum or you'll be making a big mistake," Luke warned calmly.

"Calum let go of me before I call the cops," I warned.

"No. I swear it wasn't what it looked like," He whispered.

"Let. Go. Of. Me," I growled.

"Fine," He snapped and let go of me.

"But don't plan on staying in my bed tonight," He warned.

"Looks like you already have it reserved," I snapped.

"Slut," He muttered.

"It doesn't even effect me anymore Calum. You have no idea how much hate I used to get everyday," I emphasized 'used to get'.

"You'll regret this in the morning," He said.

"In your dreams," I yelled as I walked away. As I walked back to the hotel, Luke caught up to me and walked with me.

"He didn't mean it," Luke said.

"It doesn't matter if he meant it or not.  I don't care anymore. He can't take this back. Its done, I'm done," I explained.

"You can stay with Me and Mikey if you want," He offered.

I shrugged and agreed with it. I didn't have it in me to deny him right now.

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