Snow White

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My parents finally pulled up to the cabin after an eight-hour car ride from the suburbs. This was our annual family cabin camping trip in the mountains, and I did not want to get out of the car. While I was stuck here, my friends were at the junior class laser tag night. My two brothers were passed out on either side of me in the back seat of the car. It was about nine at night and we were all tired.

"Hey sweetie, just take your brothers inside to their room. Your mom and I will take everything else in" my dad said. I nod and turn to undo Jack's seat belt. As soon as I get out of the car, I pick up my nine-year-old brother and carry him to his shared room with Peter. Then as soon as I get him tucked in bed, I go and get my other nine-year-old brother and do the same. I came back down the stairs of the old family cabin and saw my parents bringing in the last of the luggage. I went ahead and grabbed my bag and wished them goodnight. I went to my room and set my suitcase down on the desk. I opened it up and took out a tank and pj shorts for bed. I changed into my pj's and went to bed in the old bed that needed replacing. I plugged my phone charger into the outlet next to the bed, then proceeded to plug in my phone for the night.

Although my body was drained from doing absolutely nothing but sitting in a car between two rambunctious brothers, I still opened my phone and went through Instagram and Snapchat, seeing all the photos and videos of my friends having fun without me. Eventually, I got sick of looking at all of it, so I opened the new Disney Plus app and put on my least favorite movie, "Snow White". It was my go-to movie when I wanted to fall asleep fast. Soon the dark of the night took over me and I was out.

The next morning, I didn't even remember how I woke up. I just stood in the kitchen wearing a t-shirt and jeans, holding a bowl of cereal. I was the first up, so I sat down and ate breakfast while I read a book on my phone. Then something from the corner of my eye caught my attention. I looked up to see what it was and saw movement outside the window. I left my breakfast and went out onto the porch to check out what it was. As soon I walked outside it started to run away. For some reason my feet took charge and took off after it. My mind went fuzzy and I couldn't remember what I was doing.

Running. That's all I remember. Feet hitting the ground, leaping, and bounding over the damp forest floor. It had rained last night, and the mist was still heavy in this early morning. I couldn't remember if I was chasing something of if I was the one being chased, but I kept going. Then I came to a pond made of mirror glass. Yet my reflection was a shadow. A dark creature, whose edges faded into its surroundings. I sat beside the water's edge to observe the crystal liquid.

Just as I was about to reach my hand and touch it, I hear a twig crack from behind me. I just push myself into the pond and suddenly I feel myself falling into the darkness of which my shadow came. While falling the morning light from the forest disappears out of sight and is replaced by a yellow light from below me. As the light grows closer, I can feel the gravity shift. Next thing I know, I'm at the bottom of a well.

"Hello, hello. Anyone up there? Hello?" I yell. No answer. Soon I feel water start rising. I start trying to climb out myself, but the walls were cloaked in moss. I try and try again, but the water is now to my thighs and the jeans I was wearing are starting to chafe my legs. The water then suddenly stopped at my chest. I look up again.

I see two doves on the sill of the well, then I see a person start to pull up the bucket on the rope.

"Hello, excuse me? Can you pull me up?" I yell again. They look down when they hear me.

"Oh, my how did you end up in the wishing well? Well, no matter, just let me get a guard," said the voice of a girl. Why couldn't she just pull me up, or hold the rope? I could have climbed the rope myself if needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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