The Past

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Sonia's POV (or 3rd person)

Sonia was talking to Gundham next to his pod when she looked down at what he was wearing.(it's his despair outfit just his arms aren't tied up) When she got yet another flashback.

Flashback: "Hey Gundham don't you think it's a little impractical to have your arms suspended to your chest" Sonia said while touching the leather straps holding his arms. " Well I don't need to do much with my arms so it doesn't bother me" Gundham said back to Sonia. End of flashback

Sonia gasped from the sudden memory. "What's wrong Miss Sonia" Souda asked Sonia concerned. "Oh it's nothing I just think that Gundham should change, those clothes can't be comfortable" Sonia said with her normal smile on her face. "Indeed, thank you for reminding me, Sonia." Gundham said as he left the room, Sonia quickly followed him.

Gundham stopped when he heard her following him, so she could catch up with him. "Gundham" Sonia said when she caught up with him. "Yes, dark lady" Gundham said in response unknowing of what she was about to say. "Have you had anymore flashbacks, like the one we had when you woke up?" Gundham paused as if thinking of what to say " Well I did when I looked at you when you were looking out the window" he said while looking a little embarrassed. "Oh really what was it about?" Sonia said with a sparkle in her eyes. (The flashback is Gundham describing it to Sonia.

Flashback: "Sonia what are we going to do about him?" Gundham said to Sonia who was looking out a window in a very tall building. "Umm... how about we make him do things for us?" Sonia said as she turned and started walking to Gundham. "Are you sure? I mean what if he finds out and tries to kill you?" he said with a little worry in his voice. "Then it'll be my fault for letting him find out, and plus I don't want you getting yourself killed trying to save me." She said back to him as she went to grab his arm. End of Flashback

"Oh I see so we used Souda" Sonia said with a bit of pity in her voice. "Don't talk like that it doesn't fit a noble such as yourself." He said as his four dark devas nodded in agreement. "Thank you so much all of you!" Sonia said as she jumped on Gundham crying. Gundham lost his balance and fell on the floor with her on top of him. Sonia moaned when they hit the ground because his knee hit her. "Oh I'm so sorry, my dark queen" he said when he realized she was in pain. "Oh it's ok I'm not in any pain anymore" she said as she got up and gave him a hand so he could get up too.

Memories (A Sonia X Gundham story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt