Chapter Two

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It wasn’t until night started to fall that Sinn realized he had nowhere to go. He’d only ever lived in the temple and had no possessions of any kind. He didn’t even have a weapon. He didn’t doubt that he couldn’t protect himself should the occasion arise but he would have still liked to have a lightsaber at his side. Even a blaster of some kind would have worked.

His stomach growled loudly. Sinn mentally told it to be quiet and continued walking. He needed to find his sister, Cynder. Unfortunately Cynder wasn’t the type to sit in the open, she preferred the shadows. She would never admit to it, but Sinn was fairly certain that she worked as a bounty hunter/assassin from time to time. While she never finished her training at the Order, she was just as skilled as Sinn was now. After she’d left she even found someone to help her further develop some of that skill, though she would never say who.

Sinn had once admired his sister but when they’d gotten older, they both found that they disagreed on almost everything. Once he found her, they would probably be civil for a while but eventually fall back into their old ways. Especially once she found out he left the Order. Sinn had always defended the Jedi for taking them from their father, saying it was for their own good while Cynder said they had no right. “The Jedi always take what they want and do what they want for their own good and no one else’s.  The Force should guide a person to the Jedi, rather than Jedi just taking people. The Force should guide a person to the Jedi, rather than Jedi just taking people,” she would say. Sinn had always disagreed with her and had argued in the Jedi’s defense.

Despite all this, they still were of the same blood. If something happened to Cynder, whether she was killed, captured, or worse, he would have dropped everything in a second to avenge or rescue her. He knew Cynder would do the same for him. Since they didn’t know their father or their mother they were all the other had in the world and neither of them took that lightly. If Sinn had nowhere to go Cynder would take him in without hesitation.

The problem was finding Cynder. She could be almost anywhere in the galaxy. It was very rare for her to be on Coruscant since, according to her at least, she had done some things that made a few higher up people on the planet upset. Supposedly they wanted her dead. Nevertheless, Cynder had stopped by to see him at the temple on more than one occasion.

Sinn entered a small diner that looked like it hadn’t had a decent customer in its existence. As soon as the door slid open he realized the mistake he’d made. The smell of greasy food hit him and his stomach protested even louder than before. Having no money, he ignored it as best as he could and sat down at one of the tables. No one seemed to notice the dirty, semi-bloody teenaged human sit down amongst them. It was probably a common sight. After waving away the waitress droid he tried to think of where to start looking for Cynder.

He knew she had a few hideout places on various planets but she’d only ever specified the location of one. Sinn put his head in his hands and let out a sigh of frustration. He would never find her. While he may know the planet, the chances of actually finding her were almost non-existent, not without money or status. Then again, there was an entire archive not far from where he sat, an archive that he could easily get access to. He didn’t doubt that the Jedi had kept track of Cynder after she left to make sure she didn’t get into anything too dark or anything that might ruin their plans.

Sinn rolled his eyes. He was starting to think like his sister already. He hoped that he wouldn’t lose complete faith in the Jedi like she had but the likelihood of that was diminishing quickly.

As he walked back to the temple, he tried to figure out the best way to get in. Yes, he had left the Order but he wasn’t sure how many would actually know that. The one time he had heard of someone leaving the Order was when his sister came and told him that she was leaving. There was no official announcement or fanfare or anything. She just left. Maybe no one else except a few knew that he had decided to go. And if they did know, he would have no problem convincing them he’d made a mistake and that he wanted back in.

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