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We were pushed into the Justice building and went into a room.No sooner,my mother entered into the room and just scolded me for volunteering and slapped me hard.That shattered my heart into millon pieces.She left saying"You are going to die, I am sure".Then,some more people from the academy and explained about my act and nature to other tributes was to be.Then,we were taken into the train.Living in District 2, we lived in a luxourious house,but this train was more fancy than anything i had ever seen.

                     ****an hour later(reaching the capitol)****

Oh god....I can see their crummy multi-coloured wigs everywhere...I blink rapidly because of all the wierd colours.Then,Brutus took us out of the train...people touched me, it was wierd...We reached the end.I sighed in relief and spoke to Clove"why are they so wierd man?".she just nodded and moved on.what the hell does she think she is too good for me?

Moving these thoughts, I went to the TV room as soon we reached the 2nd floor.I wanted to know whi is there in the games...I seriously want to win,not for pride,but to prove to my mother that I am not worthless.Clove joined me in a second.We started watching the reapings and I took some mental notes.I wanted to choose my allies
District 1 girl:Hot and dumb,not much use of her in the games
District 1 boy:Tall and lean probably good with a weapon

Rest were kind of weaklings then we reached district 11
District 11 girl:easy kill barely 12 years old
District 11 boy:Huge and stong,would be of great use
District 12 boy:looks like a lost puppy.probably weak and no use
District 12 girl:weak 12 year old

As i was  making the district 12 note i heard a voice...i looked up to the screen and heard"I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!!".I gasp in astonishment...the downer districts volunteering but that wasn't the only reason I gasped she was so beautiful with such mesmerizing grey eyes and thay seemed so dreamy that if you looked at them you wont be able to look away.SHUT UP CATO! YOURE HERE TO WIN!YOU CANT HAVE CRUSHES! SHE ISNT BEAUTIFUL SHE IS A SCUM RAT FROM 12!

And with those thoughts,I went to bed tired and fell into a dreamless slumber

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