Part 6

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There it was. When I slapped Dole there was a hint of yellow. A small flash that gathered at his pupil then dispersed. This was creeping me out and I was only brought back to my senses when Dole started to rub his face. He then made a playful chopping motion with his hand that landed on my beanie. He then chuckled a bit. He was back to normal for now.

"For someone so out of shape they can hit so hard." Dole says while rubbing his cheek. I promptly give him another on the other side. He almost dropped his plate. I was carefully watching his eyes but nothing happened again. We only moved when Dole started to fidget and commented on my staring.

I was starting to realize that me opening the case for Shirley was having more of an impact that I wanted it to. Not like I was expecting it. Well the rational side did. I made sure to give a special little party in my head for displaying a warning for me that I ignored completely.

When I'm no longer carried in my own thoughts I realize that Dole and I just sit awkwardly. I was staring at him unintentionally, I didn't pick at my food and possibly didn't blink. While Dole was fidgeting a lot and trying to figure out where I was looking. Poor Dole, you are going to have to suffer a bit more pal.

"Sorry for slapping you. Not for the second one though. You deserved it."

"Hey, I was just speaking the truth" His mood lightened but his laughter wavered when I gave him a glare. But confused him when I start laughing out loud. He looks at me funny and I notice I gather the attention of people around us. 

"Its just you have a bit of food stuck on your forehead right here." As I talked I grabbed a bit of the bean mush on my finger and lightly dab some on his forehead.

"Just wondering how you got it up there if you were pecking at your food like a chicken." Dole was brightening but then the bell rung. Now it was for my least favorite subject. Science. My extra science class was a weird one. Mainly because no one else was in the class since technically it didn't exist. But the principal decided to give my some time after school for my extra one. Science teacher doesn't mind. I don't either, since the science class is closer to the exit and my afterschool sciences are right after my regular science class.

But I wasn't particularly down today. I had a lot of new questions. I was looking very forward to my afterschool sciences since no one was around and I could ask questions to my hearts content. Well, with someone that might provide answers.

But something called off the lesson. There was a supposed fungus infection in the cafeteria and multiple classrooms. Well. No more afterschool sciences. The students started to flock through the doors to see the mushrooms. Despite warning from the principal and the meek warnings from our science teacher. I started to get up and follow them too. Ignoring the science teacher.

When I walked into the cafeteria a lot of people started to gather around a small cluster of, white mushrooms? My heart skipped as I looked at the mushrooms. In all of their glory. Just peeking out of the tile floor. Someone commented it looked like my hair. My hair! The buggers caught a ride in my hair! I quickly run the restroom, turn off the lights, close the door, and start rustling through my hair furiously. When nothing came out I noticed that the spores weren't coming from my hair. But I was breathing them. I wasn't breathing them in I was breathing them out. The spores left my mouth. I tried to catch one on my tongue but it flew away. 

I clasp my hands over my mouth and then looked at my surroundings. A restroom. Humid. Well. Time to say goodbye to the bathroom. The fungus love the bathrooms, and my bathroom became a dense jungle. 

I knew the staff was working on getting everyone away from the fungus. So I didn't need to worry extensively about them getting the spores in their mouths. Until I remembered the janitors are probably going to clean it up. I open one of the stalls and take a lengthy roll of toilet paper. The schools cheap choice of one-ply was scratching uncomfortably across my face as I tied it multiple times around my mouth. 

I then quickly jog over to the janitors. The last thing I need is more people getting sick. When I make it over I see that they were already in the process of cleaning the mushrooms with a spray. Which seemed to be effective. I sighed from relief when I realized that they were wearing masks. I then find my way out of the school.

Dole was sitting at the school gate looking worried. He was chewing on his nails and I only assume that he was worried about me. Not missing his P.E class. Which he so loved. When he saw me he was in front of me in two steps. He had gotten taller. He was now an inch taller than me. He notices the makeshift mask over my face and I could tell he was hiding laughter.

"Its because I'm breathing spores." Dole seemed to instantly understand but was internally confused. These days I see Dole more confused than happy. I don't like that one bit. 

"You breathe their spores? That's sick" He says.

"Yeah my dad is in a hospital bed. Just waiting for when I will." Dole then pokes at my face. I snarl at him out of frustration and then he leans closer. I give him an angry poke that was more like a stab with my nails.

"Ack! Hey I was just looking at your eyes." Dole retreated and held his eye where I poked him. Sorry Dole.

"Yeah what's special?" I ask. I knew this was going to happen. So I had a plan ready in case he did ask or if anyone else did.

"I know you don't normally wear contacts." A-and the plans gone.

"But I do kind of have an idea on what's happening. You breathe the spores. Your hair-" Dole quickly snatched my hat and hid it behind his back. I gave up when I encountered his grip was stone cold. "-A deadly white while your eyes a splendid yellow. I'm not complimenting you, sadly, the looks don't match your temperament. But it does resemble the mushrooms. Which means!"

I stare at Dole quizzically as he gives a way too long dramatic pause.

"You must have a superpower."

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