Answers lol

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Ima be answering all the questions I get here, I'll update it anytime a new one is asked. If you ask a question that's already been asked I probably won't put it again lol

What is your favorite song?
What don't you like about warriors?
Why did you choose the name RoosterWind?
- DoubleFactory2 for the questions

So... I don't really have a favorite song but if I had to choose I'd say Fireflies.

I think they should have more character development, and allow the cats to do more things, like cry. If you're going to give cats a secret life in the forest where they have somehow grown the smarts to form clans and stay away from humans, give them the ability to cry for gods sake.
I also think they should have planned it out more, there have been multiple times when one of the Erin's said they forgot that something had happened and that's why there was a mistake.

Sometimes I ask myself that question lol. Ok so I was playing Roblox and role playing when my friend Pinestripe Raining_Needles (follow them or die, they brought me here) was telling me about her/his wattpad stories and I was like 'oh I'll make an account later' even though I had an account it was just a werewolf based one (Maniac_Shifter) and at the time while we were role playing, I was a character named RoosterWind. I like to come up with really strange names while rping and my friend suggested something with an animal and I was like 'RoosterWind sounds cool lol' And so when I joined it was just like a quick decision, I went with my gut. And then I made an oc for her (that I'll be posting lol) and now roosterwind is just my thing ig. Anything else I need to add?

What is your favorite book genre? - EPULIDO07 for the question

I like werewolf and murder/mystery. Always have, always will.

Favorite ships? (Any fandom) - KitKitOWO

I don't really do the whole ship thing I only know a few but I totally ship Jake and TallStar from warriors

What is my favorite cartoon or tv show in general? - @florapetals f9r the questions

Well, I don't often watch TV but there are a few shows I've watched with my sister or mom that I like =

• Psych
• Zoo
• Lost
• IZombie
• Criminal Minds

Favorite color?
Favorite anime? (If you watch)
Least favorite ships?
Favorite movie? - 0sampletext0 for the questions

So my favorite color is green. It used to be blue but my mom liked green and so I started saying I liked green but then turns out I do actually like green. Blue is overrated. And I like pale green colors and dark green colors more than like medium/regular greens.

I don't really watch anime, but I watched this sailor moon thing once and it was ok

Again, I don't really do the whole ship thing, but CinderPelt and Scourge

Armageddon, My Girl, Forever My Girl, Instant Family, and Us

Do you watch Steven universe? If so what's your favorite character? - W0lfQueen

Ok so I don't really watch cartoons *awkward shrug* but I have seen like some of the episodes with my brother, and I think my favorite character was the mom lady, the pink one. I remember the theme song music so that's something.

Favorite of the four clans? - Betawolf1221

Honestly ThunderClan. It's overrated but it's the origin of the books so like why not

Have you watched/read The Hunger Games? - EchofrostOfStoneClan

Both, I always read the books before I watch the movies. They're good but a little overrated.

Favorite Warrior cat?
Least fav Warrior cat?
Do you like to draw?
Favorite ice cream flavor?
How many pets?
What's your favorite crack Warrior Cats ships? - Ginbellneko

Rusty/FirePaw/FireHeart/FireStar. I know he's overrated, but again without him warriors probably wouldn't be what it is today.

TigerStar. He just won't go away and he's so like dumb >:|

Yes!! And ofc I'll join your art contest. Y'all be sure to join his/her art contest or I'll eat ya toes

I know it's dumb but.. vanilla. I'm a classic girl, I don't really like all those fancy flavors.

Well, before my mom and step dads divorce (which despite what I lost I'm happy, he was verbally and physically abusive and targeted me) I had Peppers, a mutt, Jaxx, a mini poodle, Goober, a Great Dane mastiff mix, Charlie, Harper, and Chalupa Batman, goldendoodles, Malcom, a Siamese, Zoey, a who knows what breed of cat, Peach, a brown tabby (think cute tigerstar), Bailey, a mutt, Amber, a brown tabby, Misty, a Maine coon, and Heather, a half moon beta fish. Soooo....  12 I think. Now I just have Jaxx and Heather (who's five years old I'm proud of her. She's named after my mom and I said it's a sign my moms immortal lol. Most beta fishies live like 3 months - three years) although I still have contact with my old pets we just had to give them to friends and family.

I don't know what that is and I don't want to lol it sounds worse than regular ships.

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