who is it?

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Richie: Big Bill

Bill: Hi Rich whats up?

Richie: I like someone

Bill: Who?

Richie: Not telling ya

Richie: How should I tell them?

Bill: I dunno a poem?

Richie: Boring!

Bill : tell me who it is and I'll tell you how to tell them.

Richie: how is you knowing going to help Bill?

Bill: because it depends on the person.

Richie: Ok fine

Richie: Its Eddie

Bill: there is no way you like Eddie

Richie: and why do you say that Big Bill?

Bill: because you are always picking on him

Richie: its not picking on him, its flirting

Bill: If you say so

Richie: why, does he think that?!

Bill: you must really like him :)

Richie: yeah whatever, so does he?

Bill: pretty sure he does Rich, you can be harsh sometimes.

Richie: how do I make him change his mind?

Bill: be nicer

Richie: gee thanks

Bill: and as for telling him, just tell him straight up

Richie: ok, I'll do it now, wish me luck!

Bill: Good luck! :)

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