I'm sorry

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Eddie rides his bike over to Richie's house. He climbs into his room through the window. The first thing he sees is Richie on the floor. 

Eddie gasps.

He runs to him.

He had cut his wrists. 

All Eddie wanted to do was take him to the hospital, but he didn't want to touch his dead body and catch a germ or something.

There was something on his bed.

A note.

He opened it without hesitation. His hands were shaking, and he was surprised the tears weren't falling yet.

Dear Eddie Spaghetti,

I'm sorry for being such a clown. I just didn't want to tell you how I  felt. Because I knew you didn't feel the same. And I was stupid for having hope. And I just wanted to tell you. But because I'm such an idiot around you, you didn't believe it. This was all my fault. I couldn't bear to see your face after I had said this, so that's  why i did this to myself. You probably hate me. Maybe I shouldn't have loved you in the first place. I'm such a dumb waste of time. This is the last gift I'll ever give you, me being dead. you will never be picked on by me ever again. So goodbye Eddie. Don't live a life like I did, trying to please people. 

Love, Trashmouth

Eddie was sobbing now. Uncontrollably.

The thing he saw next he will never forget. Now on the note, Richie's handwriting was gone.

The only thing left on the paper was in Richie's blood the two letters. 

The two letters he never thought he'd had to see again.


He ran to tell the others of what he had seen.

IT was back.

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