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-when one day you wake up, just to know that i didn't,

don't cry, don't grieve.

don't come at my funeral, trying to comfort my family, or friends.

don't sit there crying, telling everyone how pretty person i was.

don't sit near my grave, don't you dare say the words, "i'm sorry, i loved you."

don't you dare utter that words.

cause everyone could see the pain i was in, everyone!

you also saw it, how my eye bags got darker, how my waist got slimmer, how my grader dropped, how my smile faded, how i lost myself.

but did you do? absolutely nothing.

you rather pushed me to the edge, by your words, your actions.

you fuckin ruined me.

you didn't even try to save me.

you never did.

just one call, just one text, just one hug.

that's all it must've took to save me.

that night i took my own life, you could've.

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