Part 2 - Airport

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! SORRY! I literally had no motivation to write but here I am soooo. Enjoy! Thoughts = Italics, Speech = Bold, and just normal writing will be well, normal writing :)


"Yo! Jotaro san!" Josuke shouts, as Jotaro turns to face him. "Good. Your on time."     "So, whens the flight?" Josuke replies. "In 30 minutes, you have everything?" Josuke nods. "Good. When we arrive we'll set our things in the hotel lobby, and head straight to Passione's headquarters....I'll speak more about it when we get there." Josuke nods again in understanding. "Right....."

-Time skip brought to you by King Crimson-

"Maaaaan that was a long flight." Josuke says, while stretching. Jotaro pulls down his hat. "I've already arranged for a Speedwagon Foundation worker to come drive us over. We'll talk from in there."

"So...Josuke...As you know, Giorno is Dio's son. Thankfully, the bastards dead so it just leaves him. Still, Dio had a lot of power, same with his stand. Going by this logic, and how the date when Giorno first got his stand and the time his hair changed colour...His stand could also be just as powerful." Jotaro explains. "But, what about Giorno and Passione?" Josuke questions. "Thats the main issue. Dio straight away gained lots of power, gained control of lots of stands and could easily defeat anyone. Giorno...seems to be in the same situation. He gained control over Passione in just a week. We're talking about the entire Italian mafia. That includes a lot of stand users in the ranks, as they were in possession of a stand arrow."

"Yeah....." Josuke agrees, his mouth hanging open. 'How would they deal with him?!' He thought, lots of questions were going around in his head at the minute. Jotaro really hadnt gone into much detail on how they were going to get into the goddamn place!' "Right....How do we get in though? Josuke questions. "Well, we just walk in."  "Huh?! They probably have some elite guard and-"  "I think Giorno will know. But if they try anything I still have Star platinum to back us up. If they see we're stand users...they'll either see we're a threat or trust us a bit more."  Josuke sighs, his shoulders hanging low in defeat. " A-Alright...." Jotaro lets out a low hum.

-Another timeskip-

The car parks as Jotaro waves the SPW car off. "Josuke. We're here." Jotaro informs him. "Right."  Jotaro begins to walk forward toward the entrance of the Passione headquarters, Josuke following in pursuit. Jotaro pushes the door open, as someone notices.


Mista knocks on the door, waiting for an answer. "Come in" Giorno states, wondering why Mista came in. "Oi, Giorno...We have some unwanted visitors...Someone in a white coat whos really damn tall and some kid with a strange hairstyle next to him." This seemed to pique Giornos interest, he decided he would watch things play out.


"Oi! Step back! I'll shoot!" Mista announces loudly as he points his gun at Jotaro, Josuke breaking into a sweat. "Oi Jot-"  "So your a stand user..." Jotaro claims as he sees the small golden aura and one of the sex pistols come out of the gun.  "Oi Mista! He's a stand user! They can see us!-"  "Mistaaaa!" The bullets complain. 

Giorno turns around the corner, stepping outside the door. Passiones guards seem alarmed. 'did the don actually come out? Were they important?'  Giorno stared at the two for a second before deciding "Let them in."  "Wait Gi-"   "I dont feel they're enemies. And I don't think they mean any harm. Not at the minute....we should also let them explain" Mista takes a second to turn around and look at the two in awe as he motioned with his hand for them to follow.


".................I came to talk about your father.   .......Your real father." Mista looked directly at Giorno, a look of confusement and concern, asking if he should leave. Giorno looks back, shakes his head slightly and motions for only him to stay. "Did you know your father?...." Jotaro says, calm, but sort of threatening. "No, but I think....I have a picture of him...and an idea of who he may be...." Giorno says, taking his wallet out of his pocket. He slid it over to Jotaro as it spun slightly. Jotaro glared at him in distrust, but then looked down toward the wallet as he opened it, the room and atmosphere tense as Jotaro took a long pause.  "Why do you have this?"  "It was my mothe-"   "WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS?" Jotaro shouts, slamming his hand and the picture on the table. "Do you goddamn know who your father was? DIO? The man, or not so much human who killed hundreds?"  "Giorno. He was a vampire for fucks sake!" Nobody in the room moved. Everyone was still, multiple eyes flicking across between Giorno and Jotaro. Jotaro never lost his temper...and poor Mista looked so, so confused.

Jotaro sighed, and let out a long groan, knowing he'd have to explain. "Your father...DIO brando. Born in the late 1800's. A vampire. Killed hundreds, had control of more than just a few stand users, and could kill almost anybody, just as he goddamn pleased." Jotaro took a long breath. "He's killed his fair share of my friends too, almost me." Josuke stood watching from beside him...not really knowing what to say.   "Oi, oi oi oi! Vampires aren't real, you've got to be joking!" Mista says in a raised voice, gun yet again pointed at the pair.  "....and you really think that? If you've been with Mr. Giovanna over here then you must of had your fair share of stand battles, coincidences and probably been told and found out unbelievable things, right?" Jotaro says, Mista slowly nodding in the corner. "Then you should know. It isnt so difficult for such a thing as a vampire to also exist...because they do."

Jotaro looked back to Giorno, who seemed to be glaring at him, eyebrows furrowed, in a mix of anger and confusion. ".....I'll explain more...its going to be a long story...." Jotaro states, looking right into Giornos eyes.

Yipeeeeee 1003 words. Okay! Sorry for not updating! I was supposed to have updated way sooner but I literally had no motivation! But, here we are :)   Thanks for reading!

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