The True Story Behind Ghost Hunters Adventure Club

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CHAPTER ONE: Arin gets an idea

Dan and Arin decided to try writing some Sonic fanfiction.

"Should Sonic love Mario, or Samus?" Dan asked. "I feel like Mario is my type of guy, but I have to say I would like to see it happen."

"Same," said Arin. "I wish I could see Sonic and Mario actually hitting it off. I know it'd be pretty awesome."

Spoken like a true fan. There are no wrong answers.

A whole bunch of great stuff happened when Arin and Dan started writing something together. Spontaneous writing sessions involving them both, pages and pages of awesome stuff that Dan would casually mention, and never really finish.

Not sure how many ideas and dialogues Dan developed, but it was pretty much all over the board. As it turns out, they never finished any of it.

So Dan and Arin sat in their armchairs, reading other people's fanfiction. They should be writing some, or at least drafting an outline. When they finished in the early hours of the morning, they would be the happiest of boys. Two sleepy souls with a couple hours to kill.

On the contrary, while they slept, their friends from the other school were out there doing their work, "laying out the newest information".

Arin had been writing something on his cellphone that he was saving for later, but since their meetup it was easier to just write the idea in his head, with very little feedback from their host. He used a pen name to stay off their radar.

He wanted to come up with something crazy. He tried coming up with a thesis of his own, but not finding anything that caught his interest on the internet, he decided to try to make it with a standard content.

If someone loved Cosmo, and YouTube, and Bayonetta, they could totally be him.

The main points were simple. A little subtle; he wouldn't want to try to be a hitman or a medium. He wanted to be a character.

"I still love working on the characters, but I am more comfortable being the artist." I felt like we got that down, and then he kept going and said, "Hey! There's an episode of Archer that really worked for the gang. You should write about it."

I'm like, "Who are you? Are you our editor?" But he was great about it, so I was like, "Alright. I'll do it."

THE SECRET SECRET: Henry Stone wanted to play a role.

MISS MAY I BE SOARING INTO YOUR LIGHT: Stone was 18 when he first got the part of Dante Basco in the summer of 1939 and could have been a man or a woman but chose to play a youth with a broken heart.

ALIEN HUNT: The role was hotly disputed. One man had read some and decided that the straight man was too obvious. A lot of people wanted an alien.

DR. ZIKHAJIB: There was a very long and intense and heated competition to get the role. There was so much jockeying and for so long. Many people were on their knees to get the part, whether they had talent or not. Not many people knew how to read.

Arin decided to pitch his secret story idea to Dan. Being that it was fiction, he proposed three routes: 'Love It Or Leave It' (or Life Is Raining Cats And Dogs), The Necklace (think of it like Roy Myers from MLP:FiM) and Switcheroo. The main difference between the three main routes is that whilst The Necklace is more focused on internal feelings, Life is Raining Cats And Dogs is more along the lines of Emotions.

First up was The Necklace, where the two main characters end up together, despite two of them being conflicted about whether or not they're willing to be together. On one hand, both the characters are young, but on the other they have very different lives. The boy is a normal teenage boy, now on his way to a great kingdom, and the girl is a lonely and bitter woman who is obsessed with vengeance and the existence of the Evil Crown.

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