Broken Chains

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Hiccup's P.O.V

We were quickly approaching the old hospital. I had a good feeling about tonight, and yes, we were going to an old building at night. But hey! We're teenagers. Snotlout was driving everyone across town in his father's van, the twins in the back, Fishlegs up front and me and Astrid in the middle. It wasn't a long drive but we thought it best so as to not get separated. Plus, we were staying the night this time. Sort of a way to say goodbye to summer, as school started back in a few weeks.

"Fishlegs, break it down. What are we up against." Astrid inquired.

"So the hospital closed down after an emergency evacuation thirty years ago. Apparently, it was thought that one of the boilers was about to explode and when nothing happened they just never opened back up. Literally everything was left behind; beds, medicine, equipment, and maybe even some bodies in the morgue."

He shuddered as he said the last part. In case you haven't noticed yet, we do this a lot. We've been to old prisons, abandoned outlet malls, you name it. The only one's who actually believe in ghosts however, are Ruffnut and Tuffnut. The rest of us are just in it for the adventure. Besides, what better way to bond with your friends than being scared out of your wits right? The twins had however, convinced me to bring my dog Toothless along in hopes that he would pick up on some supernatural substance.  

We pulled up about a half mile away from the hospital, we'd have to walk the other half. It was getting dark out witch made the twins happy and poor Fishlegs was about ready to have a heart attack. Not that I was super comfortable either. Weird things happen around me. Some say I'm jinxed others say it's just a coincidence but no one has ever said it isn't true.

We walked up to the old building and just stood there for a while, taking it all in. It was five stories tall and most of the windows were broken. The sidewalks were covered in leaves and completely overgrown and vines had managed to climb all the way to the roof. It was earie to say the least.

"Come on." Astrid commanded, leading us into the building.

It was even worse inside, dust covered everything in sight and the wall paper was starting to peel in a most creepy fashion. But the worst part was the silence, it was deafening and the air was as still as the dead. I could practically feel eyes on me, and not the eyes of my friends. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as I shivered. Toothless didn't seem to like it either, as he gave a soft growl. Well, at least the twins were having fun. They could hardly sit still.

"Okay, we'll go to the top and work our way down, all the way to the basement. You ready?" asked Astrid.

We all nodded our head if some what reluctantly. Well, all except for Fishlegs who was gripping tightly to my shoulders. 

We made our way up the stairs all the way to the fifth floor. The stair well was dark and I was glad we had packed the extra flashlights and batteries. Thankfully Toothless had settled down at least a little bit as we opened to door on the top flight of steps. We entered a long hallway with several wheelchairs laying about and some emergency medical equipment stacked along the far wall. I was pretty sure this is where they did operations and such.

"Hey guys! Come check this out!" called Tuffnut.

We all walked over and found an operation table, still set up, waiting for a patient. All the tools were laid out and several medicine bottles sat ready for use. It was very cool to look at as most people are asleep when occupying this sort of room. Fishlegs seemed to have temporarily forgotten his fear by the way he was studying the vials of pain killers and examining the different bits of equipment.

"Cool!" approved Snotlout.

We didn't stay here long however, we were to eager to explore the old building. This felt different than all the other times we explored old creepy places, this felt like something was calling me, almost like a magnet pulling at a nail. I tried to shrug it off but the farther we went the stronger it got. Of course, Fishlegs jumping at every little noise didn't help much either.

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