The Steerage

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"...uuugh..." I grunted, as my eyes lazily started lifting their lids. What was that? I thought to myself. That was when I heard it once more.


Was that...? No way... wait, groaning metal? What on earth? My eyes shot open in confusion as I immediately took notice of my surroundings. The walls were rusted, and the bunk I was on juxtaposed the rest of the room, as it was rather clean. The tiny circular window across the room peered out into complete darkness. I was in a steerage... "A... ship? What the hell?" I muttered, trying to make sense of why I was here.


"Ow!" I yelped as the loud noise pierced the air. As I raised my hands to cover my ears, that was when I noticed it: the neon purple bracelet on my left wrist. I turned my hand over and saw the top of it, a watch. On the hexagonal face of it, was a bright red '5'. "What the hell is this...?" I questioned. Taking notice of the two knobs on either side of it, I tried to mess with it...

Click, click, click, click.

...but to no avail.

As I began to hop off the bed, that was when a loud ping! came from my bracelet. I noticed that some words had appeared on the face. I brought I closer to my face as my eyes were still kind of hazy and read the words aloud.


"Ha! Don't have to tell me twice..." I joked. I quickly jumped off the top bunk and looked around further, and there it was. A big metal door with a big red '5' on it. How did I not notice that earlier??? Placed next to it was a bright purple slot machine and a lever sticking out from the side of it. Fear quickly overcame me as I pulled on the lever, and a low beep came from it.

It didn't open.

"Oh no... no no no no no no NO!!!" I screamed, pounding on the door. "LET ME OUT!!! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME???" I kicked, hit and rammed the door, but nothing happened. Tears started pouring, as I had no idea what was going on. I collapsed and hugged my knees, listening to the occasional groan and feeling the bob of the ship.

When I finally stopped crying, I looked up at the window. Maybe there's something outside that could clue me in to all of this... I thought, taking a minute to calm myself down. "Alright, May... sitting down and doing nothing won't help anyone." I sighed, brushing my shorts and sweater off. I stood up and rubbed my eyes as I made my way over to the window. That was when I heard a tiny little clink. Confused, I looked down at my bracelet to see if anything new had popped up. Nothing.


"What on ear—" I stopped when I gazed over to the window. There were cracks forming over the surface of it and they continued to spread. "NO." I yelled, absolutely terrified and dumbfounded. "FUCK NO."


The window broke and water started flooding in!

"HELP ME!!!" I screamed, kicking and hitting the large door. Water began to rise in the room and move up to the top of my foot. "PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, FUCKING HELP ME!!!!!" Clawing at my bracelet, trying desperately to take it off, I realised there wasn't a clasp. It was a solid piece.

Before I could even ponder on how it was attached, it suddenly pinged even louder, and the words appeared even brighter than before.


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