Chapter Five

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       "That's better." Tusk nodded once in approval, took the bucket of fish, and waved me off. I finished my day early, wanting to get to Neal's as soon as I could. Tusk didn't even scold me for not delivering the day before. After the tragedy, I guess Tusk gave me a free day; she must have a heart after all. I chose the path left out of the Hold instead of going right to Neal's, hoping to clean up before meeting with Briette.

       I strode slowly, not wanting to attract attention to myself. When I reached the tree line, my eyes darted around and seeing no one, I lifted my skirt and broke into a sprint through the trees. I threw my head back and laughed. The fresh air whipping across my face and through my hair felt incredible.

       I let myself slow down the closer I came to my home, wanting my panting to subside. There was a pitiful burn in my lungs, making me believe I needed to run more often. I smiled despite the dim atmosphere of late. I halted against a tall, thick trunk when I noticed my mother. She was standing out in the garden. She wasn't working or speaking with anyone, she just stood there. The sun harped down on her hair, its rays like her own crown. Her eyes were closed and I could faintly hear her sing a foreign song I had never heard before. It's melody captivated me and I lost my concentration as I watched her.

       I stepped forward just slightly, still hidden by the shadows of the treetops. My small step was met by the harsh snap of a fallen branch; Mother's head cocked over in alarm before I sheepishly wandered out into the sun. "Nikolette," she started, saying my name in the special way only she did, 'nee-cole-aye' "there is no keeping you away from mischief is there?" A smirk crept upon her face, though I could tell she was trying to keep it from me. "Come, your hair must be tended to." She held out her palm for me and I ran forward to accept it, pushing myself up and over the stone wall.
       Mother's hands delicately combed through my curls while she hummed a simple tune. I carefully watched her, the way she unconsciously furrowed her angled brows in concentration. Her hazel eyes were focused so intently on what she was doing. As she brought out the brush ordained with a brilliant sapphire on the handle, I studied my face in the mirror I sat facing.

       I never gave much concern to my features, but sitting before my mother, I noticed how different we were from each other. My eyes were a deep, indigo color, not even matching my father's. Where mother's frame was petite, my hips grew wider with curves. Her face was stunning, a serene glow mocked back at my lips that were too full and the small gap between my top teeth. The one similarity was in the length of our hair. Mine fell down to my lower back and the natural curl often made me pull it back into a tied string during the summer heat. My hair was onyx and when the light hit it, it shined as violet.

       "You are such a beauty, my dear." Mother beamed down at me and began parting my hair down the middle and piecing one long braid. My cheeks tinted slightly pink at her praise while I picked at my nails, working on the courage to ask her what had been on my mind for the last two days. I opened my mouth, the words forming in my mind something in the mirror caught my eye.

       "What is that?" The light flickering through the window caught on a small bulb placed on Mother's dressing stand in a cushioned square box. I stood up to get closer, realizing it was actually a pearl. Its surface was glossed over, looking as though it would slip through my fingers if I tried to touch it. The most captivating thing was it was completely devoid of any specific hue and yet all at once it seemed to obtain every color.

       "It was gifted upon your birth." Mother told me with a peculiar look on her face. It was only there for a moment, but it seemed as though she were wary, as though she didn't want me to see it.

       "It's mine?" I asked her as I considered the pearl. The race of my heart accelerated and everything outside of my focus dissolved into an inconsequential haze. Time felt like it was passing through me, and rays of light spread across my eye line. For the briefest moment I swore the pearl began to glide toward me, on its own.

       "Yes, when the time is right." Mother's hand clamped down to shut the box, locking the mystery inside. I blinked through a sudden rush of dizziness and briefly forgot why I was even here. Mother seemed to know that my attention was scattered as she massaged both of my shoulders while pulling me to the door. "Let's have some tea." My eyes continued to dark back to the box, curious about the surge of energy I craved.

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