HIStory 2: Right or Wrong

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Summary: Shi Yi Jie is a single father and college professor to Fei Sheng Zhe. After odd circumstances arise the two become close and bond from taking care of Yo Yo, Shi Yi Jie's daughter. This show explores and touches on very unique concepts: a divorced father, gay fatherhood, and issues the LGBTQ+ community faces.

Language/Region: Mandarin + Taiwan

Where to watch!: Viki or YouTube

My rating: 8/10

Okay tbh I haven't watched this in a whiiile so I had to go back and read some summaries + reviews eep. This was probably the 2nd Bl I watched and that was around 2018 (I think). However, this drama was very heartwarming and to be honest the age difference didn't bother me once I started watching the show, so don't let it stop you from watching! The plot is very unique + more complex (than the other HIStory 2) that really gives the show good tension and makes it exciting. Overall, it's a good watch and if anything you should watch it for Yo Yo. (she's the cutest!)

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