Chapter 10: Leaving Hogwarts and Going Back Home

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Delia: Morning Julia, had a nice sleep?

Me: Morning, yeah I did, you?

Delia: Yeah, well let's get changed, we have assembly

Me: Yes we do

So we got changed and when we got downstairs Draco was waiting for us and then we headed to the great hall and took our seats.

Dumbledore: Hello everyone, as you all know the trains are arriving today straight after assembly to take you home but before then you will have breakfast but I have something very important to say, yesterday we had a fight in the courtyard against Voldemort and Lucius but no need to worry because they are no longer here thanks to Harry and Julia Potter for killing Voldemort and Draco Malfoy for killing Lucius

All students: Yeah

Delia: Well done Julia and Draco

Me/Draco: Thank you

Dumbledore: And now it is time to announce the house cup, Ravenclaw has 250 points, in third place still Hufflepuff with 320 points, still in second place Gryffindor with 520 points for Harry who killed Voldemort with the help of his sister Julia and finally in first place Slytherin with 521 points thanks to Julia also killed Voldemort and Draco who took courage and killed Lucius, Slytherin wins the house cup, now enjoy your breakfast then head to the trains, goodbye everyone. And Dumbledore left the great hall.

Me: Yeah, we won

Delia: Thanks to you two

Me/Draco: Thanks

Delia: Now let's eat so we can get onto the train

So we ate our food then we headed off to the train with our things and when we got into the train we joined Harry, Hermione and Ron in one of the compartments in the train.

Hermione: Hey guys

Me: Hey

Ron: Can you believe we are going home already

Delia: Yeah, but what a great year we have had

Draco: Yeah

Me: Um Harry, could I ask you something?

Harry: Yeah

Me: Could Delia and Draco move in with us because they don't have anywhere else to go

Harry: yes they can stay with us

Draco: Really

Harry: Sure, we have plenty of room for you at our house

Draco: Thanks Harry

Delia: Yeah, thanks Harry

Harry: Your Welcome

Hermione: So, did you guys enjoy being at Hogwarts?

Me: Yeah it was awesome

Ron: Oh man, the train just stopped that means we have to go now

Hermione: Come on Ron

Ron: Alright

So we all grabbed our things and headed off the train and went home.

Draco: Julia, Harry thank you again for letting us live here

Harry: That's alright

So we all put our things down in the living room and went to the kitchen to make ourselves some tea.

The End

Hope You enjoyed it because i had so much fun writing it :)

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