It's The Time Now . Part 9.

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Girls were being thrown down the the ground, up against the bars and walls of the cell, and into each other. There were yelps and short screams as girls got tossed back and forth. They had gotten plenty of more people to help them control us; some girls didn't fight while others weren't going to go down without a fight, they'd clearly never had such a difficult group of girls before because for a second we were winning. Then, they began to bring out guys wearing masks with syringes. "Drugs!!" I shouted turning around all of the chaos, "They're gonna drug us again!", many of the other girls heard me and began fighting harder along with ones that had been down fighting to get up again. I felt a strong hand grab my wrist and start pulling me down, I turned to fight back, but it was another girl being dragged down reaching for my help. A man had his tattooed arm grasping her blonde hair and pulling her down, she was screaming. I ripped my wrist away from her hand and charged the man who had been dragging her down by her hair. I had him on the ground and she shot up as soon as she was freed from his grasp; he grabbed my right hip and squeezed so hard that I thought it was going to break then, somebody yelled at me, "Bree, put your head up!" I knew that voice and I lifted my head and saw him get kicked in the temple, I looked up and it was Jade. I got on my feet and saw they had both found me, Ava and Jade. I looked around saw some of the men with the drug and took the syringe from his hand and stabbed it into his neck.  Ava gasped in shock and joy? Yeah, that face said joy. She took the syringe from his neck as he fell to the ground, "We use the drug against them!" she looked back and forth between Jade and I as we nodded, "Improv!" I shrugged looked for the next guy to take down. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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