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My eyes were wide with fear, frozen in place, mouth gaping open, the whole gist.

"My apologies sir, i-"

"I'm not interested in your wasteful excuses. I suggest you go put on your gear before I personally see to it that your being is torn piece by piece, and then shot into space, where what is left of you will wander, as nothing but feeble clumps of matter."

What. The. Fuck.

"Got it trooper?" he released me from his firm grip and continued his course through the hall, without an ounce of acknowledgement, as if what had just happened didn't phase him one bit.

Too bad i'm not a trooper.

I rolled my eyes as I started walking again to my cell, when suddenly my feet were glued to the oily black floors, my whole body stiff, only sparing my eyes to retain movement.

"I don't tolerate back-talk, disobedience, or scum..." he paused, circling around my frozen body, stopping in front of me, leaning down so we were face to face.

"I. Don't. Tolerate."

I dared to look through the black slits of the mask, as chills ran over my entire body.

I gasped as my petite figure was launched through the air, making contact with the wall.

I gritted my teeth as I slowly slid down, grabbing my shoulder.

When I finally found the courage to open my eyes, he was already gone.



When I finally arrived at me and Sparks' room, I dialed on the keypad and the door swiftly slid open.

Sparks was sitting on her bed, messing with her holopad, when upon my arrival her attention shot down to look at me with excited blue eyes.

"You have a nice trip?" She curiously asked through her excited smile.

"Just splendid." I was drenched in a bad attitude.

I hobbled to my dresser, due to my newly acquired limp, from my recently excessive encounter with Commander Ren.

"Woah, what happened to you?" She sat up immediately with one look at my disheveled self.

"Sparks, I really don't want to talk about it right now." I didn't look at her, hinting her not to probe me any further.

She understood and shifted herself back in to a resting position. Once I found my sleep attire I made my way to the bathroom, and turned on the water to the hottest temperature.

After I had stripped down, I stepped into the stall, and allowed my body to adjust to the hot water. I cursed to myself when the water hit my likely bruised back side.

I massaged the shampoo through my scalp, being cautious of the sore that had Vex's name written on it.

After I had finished bathing, I wrapped myself in a black towel and stepped in front of the mirror. I saw no evident traces of being thrown against a fucking wall.

I turned slowly to examine how bad the sore was on my shoulder blade, and caught a glimpse of an already purple and red contusion. My fingers lightly traced over the wound, flinching at the immediate ache from such light touch.

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