Morning Talk

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Emma woke up to soft snoring next to her ear. She slowly opened her eyes,  seeing Jack laying next to her. She chuckled softly at how peaceful he looked and carefully made her way out of the room. She heard a crash come from the kitchen,  when she got there she saw a slightly flustered Toby and an annoyed Tim(Masky).
"Is everything ok?"
Toby looked over and chuckled. Emma could now see a bowl of chunky batter and a waffle iron.
"Oh, hey Emma! Just trying to make waffles."
Tim sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Except you can't even make the batter right..."
Emma chuckled
"I know how to make waffles,  I can help if you want Toby."
Toby nodded and gave her the bowl as himself and Tim sat at the table. 
*After the waffles were finished*
As the group sat at the table Toby decided to question Emma.
"So Emma, how was your job with Jack? Other than the demons,  anything interesting happen?"
"I told you, we didnt do much. He was fun to talk to though."
Tim looked up
"Oh, I didnt realize you were working with Jack. Are you partners?"
Emma nods
Tim chuckled
"Well, the lone wolf found a friend..."
"More like a mate."
Toby said, earning a smack on the head from Tim and a blush from Emma
"It's n-not like that... Jack and I just get along well with eachother, we trust eachother."
As if on cue, Jack walked into the kitchen.  After grabbing a cup of coffee he joined the others at the table. Emma chuckled and brushed some stay hair from his face.
"Good morning,  sleepy head."
Jack grunted in response
Toby looked at them and then to Tim.
"Definitely mate."
Tim smaked Toby upside the head again, earning a look from Emma and Jack.
"Just Toby being Toby."
Tim said plainly. Both chuckled as Hoodie walked into the kitchen.
"Morning everyone.  Tim, come on, we got scouting to do."
Tim groaned
"Damn it Brian. Well, I'll see the rest of you later. Toby, stop annoying Emma and Jack."
With that the duo left the kitchen and headed out. Jack took a sip of coffee and looked to Emma.
"So, what's Toby bugging you about?"
"Nothing, he's just curious about our job last night."
Jack turned to Toby
"Why are you so interested?"
Toby shrugged, he had a smirk on his face.
"Jack, not only do you NEVER work with people and suddenly work with someone but you spent the evening with an attractive girl who-"
Jack smaked him upside his head
"We talked and saw demons. There you go."
"What'd you talk about?"
Jack looked to Emma who was trying not to laugh.
"Nothing important to you..."
Emma noticed a small blush forming on Jack's face, chuckling she stood up.
"Well, I'm gonna take some coffee to Slender. Jack, I'll also see if we have another job."
Jack nodded and she left. Jack looked back to Toby with an annoyed smile
"Are you trying to embarrass me? Why are you so nosy all of a sudden?"
Toby chuckled
"Come on man, you like her. It's clear she likes you too. Make a move!"
Jack sighed and shook his head, causing Toby to groan
"You are hopeless"
*At Slenderman's office*
Emma walked up to the door, cup of coffee in hand. She heard an annoyed groan come from inside, causing her to chuckle as she knocked on the door.
"Its Emma, sir. May I come in?"
"Yes, come in."
She opened the door and walked in. She noticed the office as a bit messier than the other day, especially the desk. Slender was busy looking at some files as she approached him, placing the coffee on his desk.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome.  Is there something wrong?"
Slender sighed
"Not to blame you, but Zalgo has been much more active since you came here. There's just a lot that we need to work on to prepare for an attack..."
Emma nodded
"Is there anything Jack and I can do to help?"
"I dont have any jobs for you, but please be on standby if you can... I might need to head out myself. "
Both chuckle, as Emma heads out she turns back to Slender.
"Dont work yourself too hard."
"I'll try. Thank you again."
Emma nods and headed back down to the kitchen. She turned to see Jack and Toby still sitting at the table.
"So, what are you boys talking about?"
Jack froze as Toby smiled
"Nothing. Any jobs for you and Jack?"
Emma shook her head
"No but he said to stay on standby. I was thinking about taking a small walk though."
"Mind if I join you?"
Jack asked, Emma shook her head and smiled.
"I'm gonna change. I'll meet you by the path outside, ok?"
Jack nodded

Jack and Emma slowly made their way down the path. Emma couldn't help but laugh at Jack's annoyance at Toby's 20 questions throughout the morning.
"Seriously,  what is his deal?"
"I mean, I would be curious too if all of a sudden the lone wolf started working with someone."
Jack chuckled. All of a sudden Emma tackled him into a bush.
"What the he-"
Emma covered his mouth and perked her head up slightly.  Now that it was quite Jack heard it, a voice. It was a bit distant but he could hear it.
"I'll head the rest of the way alone. Meet at the border in about an hour."
After that there were foot steps that passed them, headed towards the mansion. After it was silent again Emma and Jack climbed out of the bush.
"Uh, was that who I think it was?"
Emma nodded
They both start to run back to the mansion.

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