t h i r t y

535 23 18

Last chapter!! Mild smut warnings are necessary!

The last few days consisted of surfing, late night karaoke and fireworks and family game night with Tenma's parents, who were probably the coolest parents Shindou had ever met. The day they had to leave was a hard one, they'd all gotten attached to the place and had the best week of their lives.

A few months later, Shindou and Kirino graduated and were finally going to college. College had been the one decision they chose to keep a secret from each other, having gone to the same schools since elementary. As a joint decision, they decided not to tell each other the college they picked until the last day of school. It was by pure coincidence that they ended up choosing the same place. It was as if life was telling them that they were gonna

By the time October came by, Shindou turned eighteen and as promised by his parents, they let him move out to live with Ibuki.

"Mom, stop crying. I'm only moving thirty minutes away!" Shindou said, gathering all the suitcases and unnecessary stuff his mother had insisted he brought along.

"I know but I— I can't help getting emotional. My little baby is all grown up, moving out and going to college. Make sure you always wash behind your ears, and don't stay up too late. No funny business with him—

"Mom!" Shindou cut in, slightly embarrassed.

"You know exactly what I mean, young man. Oh and—"

"Hey, he'll be fine." His dad cut in, handing her a tissue.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm gonna miss you so much!"


"I am so proud of you. You're so big and strong now. Seems like only yesterday when you were a little kid who'd just taken their first steps—" Her long winded speech was cut off by the ring of the doorbell.

Shindou's face lit up, "He's here."

His dad helped him wheel all his stuff outside and meeting Ibuki at the door they packed it all into his car. Ibuki got out to greet Shindou's mother and father.

"Make sure he wears his retainers every night, and always remind him to take out his contact lenses— he always goes to sleep with them still on, he's a light sleeper so it'll be easy to wake him up..."

"Mom I'm not a newborn, I can remember all that stuff by myself."

"I'm just keeping him informed." His mother replied, quite defensively, "And to me you're still my little boy. Look the cats are saying bye too!" She said, pointing towards the two cats who'd emerged from the garden.

"Bye Aria, Lute, I'll miss you guys." Shindou said, getting closer to the cats but keeping his distance as to not trigger his allergies. He was the one who'd pestered his parents into getting cats which is why he was more than upset when he started having allergic reactions whenever he was around them. After a visit to the doctors, he was advised to keep his distance from them as allergies could show up and get worse at any age.

His parents went with them to the new apartment they chose together. It was bigger but still cosy and had two bedrooms instead of one. Putting everything in the right place was harder than expected and it took the good part of the day to get everything done. This was made even harder by the fact that Ibuki kept taking his shirt off because it was 'too hot' outside, while looking directly at Shindou. Even after they'd finished, Shindou's parents stuck around for what felt like ages.

They stood in their new kitchen, heating up some of the food they'd bought on the drive there while his parents finished up with the living room.

Ibuki suddenly gasped, "Oh my god, I almost forgot about this, one second."

"Wait what?" Shindou was slightly confused by how quickly he darted out of the room and came back moments later holding something.

"What's this?"

"Your birthday present.

"My birthday was weeks ago.

"I'm sure you noticed I was the only person who didn't get you a gift, you were sulking about it all of that week."

Shindou pulled a face, "I wasn't, I thought you didn't notice that."

"I'm your boyfriend, of course I'd notice. But anyways, it's a little late but I've got it. So happy belated birthday."

Shindou took the small gift bag and pulled out a ring box and his eyes nearly welled up with tears when he opened the box to see a small silver band engraved with the letters 'IM+ST' with an infinity sign crossing through both initials.

"It's not much, the gold one would've probably looked better, but I've been saving some of my money for some months now and I thought I'd try to get you something nice—"

"I love it, I love it so much. Thank you!" Shindou said, pulling Ibuki into a kiss that nearly knocked him to the floor.

"I'm glad you like it." Ibuki said, taking the ring and sliding it carefully onto Shindou's finger before showing him his own hand, where an identical ring was also being worn on.

"I got one too, the lady who made it insisted I got one to because matching rings were cuter. She kept saying girlfriend though so I don't really know if that changes anything but I thought they'd be cute."

"Stop rambling, I love it, it's beautiful."

"Takuto, we're leaving now, come lock the door!" His mother shouted from the living room, followed shortly but the door opening and closing.

Ibuki smiled mischievously, "Y'know what? We're finally alone."

Shindou laughed, "God I thought they'd never leave." He said, jumping onto Ibuki and catching his lips in a kiss. He'd been holding back throughout the whole day and Ibuki just looked so goddamn irresistible that he'd wanted to do this all day.

Ibuki smirked, "Someone's needy."

"Shut your mouth, you're asking for it." Shindou replied seductively, kissing his lips shortly before getting lower down his body until he reached the waistband of his boxers.

"Takuto— ngh!" Ibuki paused mid sentence when he felt Shindou's mouth around his dick, licking along his shaft before taking him in full, his head bobbing up and down his hardening length. A wave of pleasure washed through Ibuki's body, making his shoulders relax and his body lean back onto the counter behind him. He tried to keep his front but Shindou's every move on his dick was sending him over the edge. He silently cursed the fact that his boyfriend was so good at blowjobs. His body shuddered pleasantly as the bottom moaned down his length and went deeper, until the tip was hitting the back of his throat.

"This place is pretty cool."

"Hey where are they? Shindou! Ibuki! We brought pizza!"

The speed at which they jumped apart could've been considered inhuman. They fixed their clothes and peeled out of the kitchen to see Tsurugi and Tenma at the door with pizzas.

"Hey Tenma, you guys can sit down, Ibuki and I are gonna get some more food."

Shindou grabbed Ibuki's hand and led him to the bathroom rather than the kitchen, turning on the shower.

"Hey, we've got guests!" Ibuki said as Shindou backed him up against the sink.

He just looked at him, winking mischievously and putting a finger to his lips, "If we're quiet, they won't notice a thing."

Living together was definitely going to be a lot of fun.

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