an uncertain situation

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Hinatas POV
I haven't been this annoyed in awhile. There's nothing I want more then to go to this training camp, and the only thing stopping me is my own mother.

"Of course not!"

She repeats her statement.

"Hikarus gonna be there! And so will the other guys! Please!" I'm desperate, I can hear the tone in my voice. I hate sounding childish.

"I can bring everything I need with me!" I spit out arguments like wildfire, but she still refuses. My face feels hot- I'm crying.

From the corner of my eye I can see Hikaru poking his head out the door, not getting in the way of my argument.

Everything in that moment pissed me off. I shoved my mum aside, or rather tried too. I was still very weak though I wouldn't admit it.

I run up to my room, the permission slip still in my hand. I scream into my pillow, "DAMN IT!" I look down at the slip and begin to rip it, when I had an idea.

After the argument died down and the tension was gone, I came down for dinner. My mum and I still weren't talking, but she served me dinner all the same.

I looked down at it. I wasn't hungry. I was too excited for the plan I had made. I scoff it down as fast as I could. I couldn't wait to tell Hikaru what I had planned.

It was flawless
It was going to work.

Hikarus POV
Things were still awkward in the Hinata house. Neither Shouyo or his mum has spoken a word. I'd been sat down for hours, trying tirelessly to fix my phone. I groan and lie on the floor, seeing it hadn't worked.

Just as it happened, the sliding door leading to the front room opens, and an unusually happy Shouyo peeps his head through the door. "You gotta moment" he says.

He sits down in front of me. "What's this all about, Shou?" I ask him.

"I thought you'd be devastated"
"I have an idea!"
"An idea, for what?"
"For going to the training camp of course!"
"Nothing we do is gonna convince your mum, you know that"
"Of course I know that... we're gonna sneak out"

I looked at him, shocked. He had a smug look on his face, like he really thought he did something.

"Please tell me you're joking!"
"Why would I be joking, it's a perfectly good plan. If we leave at the time of the camp, she won't hear about until after we're in Tokyo, she can't do anything there!"
"This is one of the worst ideas you've ever had Shou! What if we go there and something-"

The look he's giving me now is the one he gives people when he feels like they feel sorry for him, but this time his feelings weren't the most important thing

Hinatas POV
Why couldn't he just agree with me already. I couldn't think of a better way to spent the next couple of days. His paranoid state was starting to piss me off.

"Stop being so selfish" Hikaru says.

I'm being selfish? I'm being selfish? If anything it was the complete opposite. I was about to say something when Hikaru backed up his statement.

"If something happens to you in Tokyo, you're mum and sister might not be able to say goodbye to you! I'll never forgive myself for not stopping you. Hell, your dad might even-"

"I don't give a shit about my dad!" I was too angry to even hear what I was saying. I just blurted out anything that would help prove my point: "I don't give a shit about anything anymore! I'm going tomorrow whether you like it or not! I don't even-"

I couldn't finish my sentence. I was about to cry. I bit my lip and ran up to my room.

'Stupid Hikaru. Maybe if he hadn't been here I would have snuck out without any complications.' that's what I said to myself

But I was only lying to myself. I wasn't mad at Hikaru or my mum, not even at my dad, who hasn't been around since I was four.

I was only mad at myself, and my stupid illness. I was mad at my frail body and my unstable organs. Mad at my weak lungs and failing heart. Mad at my childish behaviour and inability to have a proper argument without crying. Mad at my weakness.

I lay on my bed and thought about everything, before drifting into a deep sleep.
Some time later

"Shou... Shou wake up"

My uneasy sleep was broken by a nudge on the shoulder. I hadn't moved since I started sleeping. I flutter and open my eyes, to see Hikaru looming over me.

I look over at my clock.

1:36am, Thursday 20th June

I manage to grumble out a "What do you want Hikaru, go to sleep"

He replies with, "I thought about what you said... I'm in!"

I spring you from my bed and look at him admirably. After a heated argument and a long wait, he'd finally been convinced to come along. I hadn't felt this relieved in a while

Third Person
"Don't think that I'm not worried about you" Hikaru says, rubbing the back of his head. "But I think I'd feel more guilty for not at least giving you a chance to go" He blushes a little.

Hinata gives him a big smile, and hugs him tightly.

"Hey!" Hikaru says. "What's all this for?"

Hinata replys with a simple but meaningful "Thank you."

He pulls a suitcase out from under his bed, packed and ready to go wherever.

"Woah, you weren't kidding when you said you were gonna go either way." Hikaru says, secretly slightly annoyed that the only medical equipment in there was his heart monitor, which he didn't even know how to put on without help. "Let me go pack"

He goes to the room he's been staying in and fills his suitcase with whatever he needs for the five day camp. However he still had a bad feeling.

He looked through the cabinets to try and find something that will make him feel more at ease. He ended up packing more of Hinatas supplies- an extra monitor, an oxygen mask and basically anything he might need to keep him safe.

He might not be very happy about this whole thing, but he sure as hell wasn't going to let anything happen to Hinata.

SICK HINATA AU - A boy and a broken heartDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora