Chapter 3: Her Brother's Cursed Lady

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🌻 NOTE: Pics are better seen in black filter, it makes them more ominous. Although you may freely imagine the characters on the story to your taste.


A shiver went up her spine to see the woman who'll kill her beloved brother.

Those cunning warm beady eyes that was only filled with greed. A thick mask of kindness and patience of an ideal woman when the truth underneath  was an evil malicious woman, waiting for its time- silently & cautiously, to strike.

"My dear little sister", Lyon cooes at the young girl, kneeling before her to embrace her tightly to his arms.

"How are you?", he asks while he rubs their noses together affectionately.

With a giggle, Freya happily answers back, "I'm fine, Big Bwother Lyon", a little lisp coming out from her nervousness.

A habit she remembered doing as a child. Although a child on the age 4 should not be speaking that clearly, Freya was one of many.

"You know, your Big Brother has someone special he wants you to meet", he gently coaxes at the young girl.

"Then- Then I'm not special to Big Brother?", Freya whines before peeking behind Lyon, to see Morticia unaffected.

What a thick mask indeed. An expert in disguise.

Lyon's eyes widen before shaking his head, "Of course not, you will always be special to Big Brother, you're my pretty princess!", he explains to the teary young girl.

"But I don' wan' a be a princess, I want to be Big Brother Lyon's Bride!", Freya whines, stomping her feet before looking away.

It was sad really, this was how she was when she was quite young. But when her little sister came to this household, it was the first time Freya felt abandonment.

So she must strike quickly to attain her Big Brother Lyon to her side.

In her past life, she remembers that she and Lyon were neither close, they slowly became distant because of her little sister's lies.

She didn't know at that time of her little sister's plan as she was busy accompanying the prince who was to be her fiancée.

And so, when she came home, all of a sudden. She was left alone to talk to the moon everynight, and to hum a pretty song to herself in the morning.

Those were the peaceful days, nevermind if she were alone. At least, she didn't need to worry about her enemies' every move, or which poison was 'the pick of the day'.

Laughing softly at her adorable princess, Lyon sweeps Freya off her feet, and like a prince holding onto a lovely treasure, he carries her by the arm, before setting her down between Morgiana and himself on the couch.

Wide eyed, seeing Morgiana close, Freya unconsciously tightens her hold to her brother's cuff, only making him smile more.

"Freya, my princess, this is Morgiana, a dear friend of mine", he introduces, casually gesturing to the woman.

Freya watched closer the movements of the woman before her before releasing a 'hmph' sound, whipping her head to snuggle more closer to her brother's chest.

Chuckling as he pats her head in comfort he says, "Sorry about that, she's shy around strangers".

With a smile that lifted to her eyes, Morgiana answers back, in a voice so soft and sweet, sickly sweet in fact, she replies, "It is no problem, Lyon. I can see how she is related to you".

"Oh ho ho, dear child, you are far too humble", Madam Theresa, their mother, softly laughs behind her fan.

"Yes yes, you don't need to label her as a friend, Lyon. I can see that you fancy Morgiana, don't you too fancy our dear Lyon?", Duke Argen coaxes the two suppose lovebirds.

"Oh I do, Duke Argen. Lyon is marvelous, kind and just my taste", Morgiana flirts to Lyon with her eyes fluttering.

Seeing this development, Freya quickly whines up at her beloved brother, pitifully crying with her puppy eyes, "Big Brother? What are they talking about? I don't want her to be your bride. I want to be Big Brother's Bride! She's ugly!! Uwahhh!".

She then points to Morgiana before saying, "Ugly, ugly, ugly", like a mantra.

When Freya saw a twitch in her eyebrow, she silently smirked inside.

On this first round, she won. KaPow!!


This was every woman's fear. To stay beautiful for their loved one. And she knew why this woman was so obsessed over her beauty.

On the other hand, Freya also knows she's getting annoying, cringey, and quite whiney infront of a guest (which is very unladylike). But the need to survive burns through her even more.

Engraved in her heart was the will to live longer.

- chapter end.


[Morgiana Yarrow]

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[Morgiana Yarrow]

[Morgiana Yarrow]

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[Lyon Larkspur]

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