chapter 2

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Previously :
" I miss you dad... I hope I make you proud." I thought

This took me back to what had happened 2 weeks ago.


" Please give him a second chance," she begged , standing at the door step to my small world.

" Unfortunately, you're at the wrong place. I don't have any second chances to give out," sarcasm seeped into my tongue, as I backed away and shut the door close with a loud bang.

I proceeded up the stairs, ignoring the now continuously ringing door bell. I entered the second door to the right of the staircase , leading into my elegant styled bedroom.
Jumping onto my bed, I relaxed myself into a comfortable position, getting ready to complete my disturbed sleep. But it looked like fate had my day, already planned..

'love yourself' by Justin Bieber broke the silence in my room.

'Agh... Why does everyone have to distrub at this time of the day??' I thought as I answered my phone, connecting me to my best friend, Stacy.

"Hey Stacy!" I sighed , " what's up?"

"Omg!! Omg!! Omg!! You have to hear this... " Stacy screamed into my ear .

I think I might be deaf now," Relax Stacy, what's the big deal that you had to call me at 4 in the morning."

She replied instantly," She's coming this weekend to New York. Omg!!! I think I am going to faint... I can't believe she's finally coming to New york, after 3 years. AHH!!! I think I'm dreaming, pinch me. Oh wait, you can't .. you're all the way in New haven," she took a short breath," God!! I miss you Suzy!"

"Hold it!!! Who's coming to NYC???"I asked her, as I prayed inside," please be her , please be her."

"Aunt Catherine , who else?!" She said it, as if it was an obvious thing.

" I knew it. I missed her soo much and now that she is coming back , I wont miss an opportunity to meet her and ask her all about her tour around the world," I started fan girling with Stacy.

" But don't you have a university to go to?!" she questioned.

I got nervous" About that, you see , it's just that we have a week trip to New York. They say it's for relieving stress from all these studies we do. So I'm coming back .. umm, surprise!!!"

" Omg!! Aunt Catherine is coming and so are you, this is difinitely a dream."

God knows how long the phone lasted for, and when I fell asleep again.. the second time I woke up by the bright golden rays , peeking into my window, stating the start of a new day with so many planning to do for my trip.

You might be wondering who that girl was, that came in the morning to spoil my lovely sleep.. well, she was Kate Howerson, my so called ' Fiance's ' sister . The one I broke up with last night, after finding out he, Alex Howerson, had been cheating on me behind my back with Lacy Steven.

I get that she is beautiful and hot, the miss perfect and all, but that doesn't give him any right to cheat on me .. he could have just told me he doesn't want to get married and we could have ended it there.
But no... "Mr. Oh so handsome and I will get what I want"  finds it entertaining to break a girl's heart .

Anyhow, he is all behind me to get back with him, and his sister won't leave me a minute of peace. She has been calling me all night and when I ignored her, she had to cross the limit and ring my door bell at 4 in the morning.

But now that I will be going to NYC, I hope to find peace and sometime to think, far from Alex and his fiasco.

At 10:00, I was at my university like everyday, attending another boring session which my father forced me to take.

Okay !! Okay!!!

Not forced me , I asked him what I should choose as my major course cause I had no idea and he suggested interior designing , hence , I went ahead with it.

So here I am sitting in my class, enjoying miss Dracula ,I mean Mrs. Daria , give us a lecture on how to be an efficient interior designer or something like that.

" Yo Suzy! " I heard my best friend, Amber, whispering my name from behind me.

" Yeah?" I asked without tuning around, already knowing what she wants.

She waited for a moment and then replied, " Pass me the notes, please!!"

When I said I was bored in class didn't mean, I didn't pay attention in her class. Some of my classmates like to call me a  nerd because I always top my classes. That just adds to my benefit, being teacher's favourite.

" Here you go," I passed my register to her, just wanting this class to end. And it looks like God had heard my call, right this moment, the bell rang marking the end of miss Dracula's class.

Amber and I walked out of class, side by side, bags on our shoulder, towards our locker.

" God! This class was so boring," she exhaled," if it weren't for you, I would have failed it by now."

" I totally agree with the first part , these classes just get annoying day by day," I agreed to her .

She suddenly turned towards me," but for how long? I mean we won't be here the next whole week so we can finally have a break from all these studies and her 'Agh so annoying' attitude."

" Thank god!!! Oh and by the way, I forgot to tell you," I took a breath," Aunt Catherine is coming!!"

" What??" She was shocked.

" Why didn't you tell me before?!?!  OMG!!! This is sooo cool. "

I excitedly replied," I know right.. I can't wait for all the fun."

That's when I saw from the corner of my eye, The one and only, Alex Howerson walking towards me.

" God ! I ask you for one more thing, pls save me from him... I will do everything, never call my teachers name and clean my room daily.. study twice as hard but I just can't face him right now.." I closed my eyes, hoping he would disappear.

" Miss me , darling!" His calm but confident voice spread across my ears.


Author's note:

That's all for now .. I hope you like it ....

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