God, I Love The Irish

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I crawl up the muddy shore and cough, shivering slightly.  That water was ice cold - I don't think I can feel my legs.  God, it's times like these I'm glad my wolf keeps me hot.  That water would probably kill a proper human.  Sure as sunshine gave me a shock.  I shake my head roughly, sending droplets of water flying in every direction.

I walk aimlessly towards the castle, trying not to dwell on my family.  I can't believe that after all this time, they still make me feel like shit.  It's pathetic.  I'm pathetic.  I look around the island, a lump in my throat.

How long before I get kicked out of here too?

I know Eoin acts like he's different from other people - different from Crusher - but when it comes to me, everyone acts the same.  They start off acting like they care, then they get bored with my warped mind and cynicism so I get the boot.  I find someone else and and another house...wash, rinse, repeat.

Grinding my teeth and trying to get over my annoyance, I come to the castle.  My stomach twinges, but I ignore it and go up to the courtyard wall.  When I hear voices - other than the one in my head - I freeze and keep hidden behind the crumbling wall.

"It's just wrong!" Eoin says in disgust and I frown.

"Just tell me." The voice is flat, like he's dead.

Or a demon.  I shudder as I remember the only demon I ever met - he was a hell raiser, a real bad boy.  I guess I just found that hot.  But trust me on this: NEVER let a demon take you home.  I get that in fantasies and shit, demons are really sexy and the sex is great.  LIES!  OK, some demons are hot - like...mind blowing - but it all depends on what they were like alive.  Most demons look just like they did when they were alive, but some got gifted.  Don't ask my why, I don't know.

The only thing that can give a way a demon - apart from their love of sex - is that voice.  They died before they were made demons, so Death has their voice.  Demons have a flat voice, it never changes, but the angrier they get, the more people they sound like.  When demons get really pissed off, they can sound like a hundred people talking at once - it's dead freaky.

"He wants t'get her pregnant!" Eoin snaps and I stop twisting a piece of grass around my hand.

"So?" The demon replies, bored.

"SO it's wrong!" Eoin explodes and I struggle to remind myself to breathe.

Pretty big-headed of you to assume they're talking about you.  I nod, hoping my little voice is right.

"Most of the stuff Jack does is wrong, you know that Eoin." The demon says it as if he's reminding Eoin to get another loaf of bread.

"I know, I know.  It's just..." Eoin trails off, frustrated, I stand on tiptoes to peek over the wall.  Eoin's running his hand through his hair, his face set in a scowl and he's talking to someone vaguely familiar.  I narrow my eyes as I duck back down so they can't see me.  I know I know that guy.  I inhale carefully, and stiffen.

It's the guy who turned me into an etch-a-sketch.  The wolf who was trying to knock me out of that tree all those years ago.

Wolf who turned into a demon.  How the fuck do I find these supes?  Am I just magnetic?!  Maybe I have a giant neon sign over my head that says 'SUPERNATURALS GET IT HERE'?  I wave my hand over my head to make sure, and then realise what a twat I must look like and stop quickly.

"It's just what?" The demon-wolf challenges, sounding like two or three people.  I shrink down against the wall.  Demons aren't good to be around when they're pissed off.  Learnt that the hard way and have some spectacular scars to show for it.

Full Moon Fling *Unedited*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora