Chapter 4

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'WHATS UP MOTHERFUCKERS!!!', Jason screams as he enters the house, he quiets down when he sees David and Natalie frantically moving on the couch then both freeze in their positions.

'You guys good?' Jason jokes to them laughing at the state of them. David's hair looked messier than usual and Natalie's was very red in the face as she frantically typed on her laptop acting like she was doing work.

'What? Yeah Jase whats up?', David says calmly trying his best to act cool.

'I just came over to see whats planned for the weren't replying to my texts man', Jason tells David whilst sitting on the edge of the couch.

'Sorry..late start today, no need to film today but planning to have everyone over later and have a little party. You down?' David says to Jason trying to catch his breath from what just happened with Natalie. 

'SO down. I actually just got a text from Ilya, his company just got like a crazy bonus and he wants us all in Chicago this weekend to celebrate' Jason says excited because whenever the vlog squad go to Chicago, its the best time.

'Thats so not like Ilya to say', Natalie jokes surprised at how spontaneous that idea is.

'Yeah that sounds good, I'll get Taylor to book flights' David replies excited as he knows he'll get a good vlog from it.

'Sweet, I'll be round later then like 7:30?' Jason asks David looking at him suspiciously as he's acting different.

'Yeah ok see you then' David replies giving Jason a thumbs up.

Jason looks to Natalie as he gets up to leave, Natalie gives him a small smile then carries on typing. As Jason walks out he can't help but notice how off they both were and why they were moving so much when he first came, his mind brushed the thought that they were getting together but he knows David has said 100000 times he's not into Natalie so he refused that was an explanation. 

Natalie turns to David when she hears the front door close and goes to sit on his lap. David looks at her shocked she's not startled by Jason nearly catching them.

'Did that not scare you?!' David asks her holding her hips and smiling at her cute face.

'A little but its kind of fun sneaking around' Natalie says as she slowly moves closer to David and buries her head into his shoulder.

'Well expect a lot more to come if it excites you' David whispers into her ear while slowly moving his hand from her hip to the back of her neck, moving her lips close to his.

Natalie giggles and they share a quick kiss. 

'Right I'm going to shower' Natalie perks up and heads to her room.

'Without me?' David jokes getting up to follow her.

'Yes without you, you perv' Natalie giggles and runs to her room.

She closes her door and turns the shower on. She can't stop smiling and loves the feeling she gets when she's with him. She quickly hops into the shower and gets ready for the day ahead.

David and Natalie have a work filled day with many meetings and calls. Taylor and Natalie went to the store to get supplies for the night ahead.

'Who's coming tonight?' Taylor asks Natalie while they're in the alcohol section of the store.

'Uh I think everyone so lets get quite a lot of drink', Natalie giggles with Taylor.

'Is David ok today?', Taylor turns to Natalie as she's grabbing some whiskey.

'He's been fine to me, what do you mean?' Natalie looks to Taylor while putting some bottles in their cart.

'Maybe its nothing but he just seems off, I don't know like uncomfortable' Taylor looks at the ground unsure about whats she is saying.

'I can talk to him if you think he's being off' Natalie looks at Taylor noticing how she seems really concerned. 

Taylor nods and they carry on with their shopping list. They were only gone about an hour but when they got home, most of the group had already arrived and were waiting for them get drunk.

'FINALLY you're here motherfuckers!' Zane screamed as he ran up to hug both of them. 'Did you get my favourite?' Zane asks Natalie with puppy dog eyes.

'Of course', she replies as she pulls out a bottle of ciroque. Zane cheers and helps them getting everything ready for when everyone else arrives. Natalie goes to get ready while the boys start drinking.

'Please tell me you're actually drinking tonight?' Heath turns to David with his camera.

'Nah, whenever I drink my camera work just gets sloppy its better I don't', David replies to Heath shrugging his shoulders.

'Don't worry about that Dave, I've got a bit of a headache so I'm not drinking, I'll film for you' Joe tells David. Everyone cheers and gives David's camera to Joe whilst Matt pours David a strong drink. Natalie can hear everyone chanting David's name and can't help but giggle to herself as she does her makeup. Corinna is sat on her bed watching her.

'What are you up to girl?' Corinna smirks to Natalie as she applies her lipgloss.

'What? Nothing Corinna', Natalie laughs it off going Corinna didn't see her smiling.

'Thats an in love giggle, I know one when I see one' Corinna says to Natalie and gives her a cocky look.

'You're drunk', Natalie rolls her eyes facing Corinna.

'Not had one sip yet babe, I'll be watching you' Corinna points two fingers other eyes then Natalie eyes and laughs.

Natalie finally finishes her makeup and heads out her room with Corinna linking her arm. As they walk out Natalie catches David's eye. He can't help but gasp over how amazing she looks when she gets dressed up.

'Flies, David', Zane jokes as he pushes David's jaw closed. Everyone laughs and David blushes realising how stupid he looks. Natalie laughs and looks at Corinna giving her a smirk, Corinna knows and that makes Natalie nervous. 

'Hey I'm going to go talk to David' Natalie says as she walks up to Taylor. Taylor nods as she knows if there is something wrong with David, he'll tell Natalie.

'Hey Dave, can I grab you quick', Natalie asks David as she grabs his arm to get his attention.

'Any time', David slurs already kind of drunk.

Natalie and David head into the office without anyone noticing, except Corinna.

'Taylor said you were acting off earlier, everything okay?' Natalie says to David in a serious tone as she's quite worried.

'Everything's good baby' David smirks and sits on the couch while grabbing Natalie's hips close to him.

'Dave, anyone could walk in and are you drunk?!' Natalie laughs while stroking his adorable face.

'Im a little but thats not the point, point is you're here with me' David says as he lightly drags his hand down her leg and drags her onto his lap. 

'Dave...everyone is here. everyone' Natalie whispers to him 'If anything is wrong please tell me,  Taylor is a bit worried' Natalie tells him seriously whilst looking directly into his eyes.

'Relax..everything's fine I was just shitting bricks all day thinking Taylor had seen know and I don't want anyone knowing yet. Besides, thought you liked sneaking around' David explains while edging closer to Natalie's lips. They kiss but this time its sloppy, David clearly loses his skills when tipsy.

They leave the office grinning, as Natalie opens the door David drags her back.

'I just want everyone to leave and it just be us, Nat' , David whispers into her ear and strokes his hand up the back of her thigh.

'I know Dave, but come on' Natalie blushes as she opens the door and tries to remain cool.

Things could not be better between David and Natalie, no one knew and they were just having fun. Could things easily go wrong.


Thanks for the love on this series, I'm really enjoying writing it :)

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