⇢˚⋆ 7 ˎˊ- Deities

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New terms:
• pantheon
• closed practices


Some witches choose to work with certain gods or goddesses from all kinds of pantheons.
(A pantheon is a group of deities that belongs to a certain group of people or a religion)

Do I have to work with deities?

It is very important to note that working with deities isn't a must in witchcraft, especially if you're a part of a religion that has nothing to do with witchcraft (Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam...).
If you don't want to work with deities, don't feel forced to do so.

Who can work with deities?

Everyone can, but it is typically recommended for more experienced and older witches.
It shouldn't be taken lightly, and it can be dangerous if you're not properly prepared to work with them.

How do I choose a deity?

You don't. A deity 'chooses' you, and gives you signs that they want you to work with them.

Closed practices and deities:

This topic is extremely important. There are certain practices that are reserved for certain groups of people.
You are either born into them, or invited in by someone from that group.
Inviting yourself is very culturally disrespectful and could be very dangerous.
Some of these practises are:
- voodoo
- santeria
- candomble
- romani
- aztec
- saami
- hoodoo
Before you start working with any deities, be sure to research beforehand!


While researching different pantheons as a whole, you'll come across different quirks and characteristics of deities, so keep them in mind.
Be very observant in your day to day life, and try to 'connect the dots'.

Communicating with deities:

You can do so via pendulum, tarot cards, candle flames, meditation...
Be sure to connect with them beforehand and stay respectful at all times.
Deities are not to be taken lightly, they are extremely ancient entities, not your friends!

Multiple deities:

It is very much possible to work with multiple deities, but, let's be realistic, having twenty is just plain impossible.
Many people have trouble with three, let alone twenty.

Having deities from different pantheons is also very much possible.


Different deities like different kinds of offerings, so be sure to research them thoroughly before doing anything.
You give offerings when you want to honor or give back to them, or ask for their assistance or protection.

Offerings are mostly left on altars (some also have separate deity altars!) in boxes, on plates, etc.

Deities and love:

While some may think this is common sense, it needs to be said.
Deities do not want a romantic relationship with you! They will not have sexual relations with you!
If they tell you they want something of the sort, they are not your deity! That is a dangerous entity that wants to do more harm than good.
While god spousing is a real thing, a very small amount of people will actually experience it in their lives.


Do your research and stay safe!

Next chapter: closed practices

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