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They arrived in the living room where the coffee table was pushed aside, making room for the losers to sit on the floor.

He walked over to Bill and Ben who were sitting on the carpet and clapped a hand on the back of their necks, "Haystack, Big Bill, my acquaintances." Bill swatted his hand away, turning around with furrowed brows, "Stop it, you ass." he said with a sly smile while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Stan and Beverly were now also seated on the carpet and Richie was just about to ask where the remaining two were when Eddie and Mike arrived from the kitchen with bowls filled with snacks. "Ah, Micycle my man, just what I needed." Richie said while grabbing one of the bowls filled with popcorn from Mike's arm and swung an arm around the boy's neck so he could press a kiss against his cheek.

"Alright, alright." Mike said while chuckling, softly pushing against Richie's chest so he would let go off him. "And my spaghetti is looking as good as always." Richie said while letting go off Mike and now walking over to Eddie, ruffling his hair. Blood started to rise to the top of his cheekbones, a rose blush dusted across the bridge of his nose.

Richie noticed everyone was already dressed in their pyjama's, except him. He pushed the bowl of popcorn into Stan's arms and went to retrieve his dufflebag from the ground next to Ben where he had dropped it. "Alright, I'm going to change. Don't come and peek, you little perverts." Richie announced towards the losers and Stan huffed, "Says the pervert himself." which made Beverly giggle. Richie smiled and acted offended before flicking Stan's forehead and quickly running upstairs to lock himself in the bathroom, scared that Stan would come after him.

He had changed into his pyjama's and had thrown his bag on the floor of Bill's bedroom before making his way back downstairs to see all the losers seated and snuggled up.

Ben, Stan and Mike were sitting on the floor in a big pile of pillows, Bill and Beverly were sharing one of the sofa's while cuddling, Bill running his fingers through Beverly's curls and Eddie laying spread out on the other sofa.

The movie intro was already playing, "Hey! Don't start without me." Richie said while making his way over to the sofa he always claimed together with Eddie. "Well, you should've just hurried up." Stan remarked while slapping Richie's thigh when he walked in front of the TV.

"Scoot." Richie whispered while waving his hands in a motion for Eddie to move over. Eddie smirked and started blushing again, "Make me." he said while fluttering his lashes, "Oh, you asked for it Eds." Richie said while surging forward and dugging his fingers in Eddie's sides.

The brunette squeeled, both because Richie surprised him and he's ticklish. Stan rolled his eyes and tried to shush the boys. Eddie started histarically laughing and pushed at Richie's chest, trying to get him off of him, "ALRIGHT! alright! I surrender!" to which Richie pumped his fist into the air as a sign of victory.

Eddie scooted over and Richie crawled onto the sofa, pulling the blanket over his lap and throwing and arm over Eddie's shoulder, "Which movie are we watching?" Richie whispered into Eddie's ear which sent a chill down the brunette's spine, "euhm...euh..Edward Scissorhands, I think. Beverly rented it." he answered, "Ah, alright." Richie answered back and pulled Eddie closer towards his chest, nuzzling his face in Eddie's shoulder.

Halfway through the movie Richie decided to lay down on the sofa and pulled Eddie down with him, his chest pressed against Eddie's back, their legs tangled together, Richie's arm around Eddie's waist...Eddie couldn't concentrate on the movie for the rest of the evening, only focusing on Richie's breath against the back of his neck or how he was twirling Eddie's brown locks around his finger absentmindedly.

Eddie hadn't noticed the movie had ended until Bill flicked on the livingroom light, all the losers groaning and covering their eyes. Eddie stood up and stretched himself out, Richie doing the same. This action caused Richie's shirt to lift up and Eddie's eyes flickered down to were Richie's plaid pyjama pants were hanging dangerously low on his hipbones, his happy trail visible.

Eddie soaked up the sight in front of him and almost started drooling at the thought of being able to touch Richie's abdomen but was quickly shaken out of his thougths when Bev threw an arm around his shoulders, "Mind if I steal him from ya?" she asked Richie, "Nooo, not my dear Eddie Spaghetti!" he said playfully while pulling Eddie towards him, "C'mon Tozier, five minutes max." to which Richie dramatically sighed, "Fiiine, but not more than five."

"Deal." Beverly said while pulling Eddie towards Bill's room, closing the door after her. "Euh..Bev? What's up?" Eddie said while awkwardly standing in the middle of the room. "C'mere," she pulled Eddie towards the bed and flopped down on it while Eddie calmly went to sit down at the foot of the bed, "now tell me about your crush." she said with a smirk while laying down on her stomach and propping her head up with her two hands.

"Wha‐ I don't have a crush." he said while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "C'mon....It's so obvious that you like Richie." She said back. "RICHIE?! You've got to be kidding me! Bev, he's A BOY! I can't have a crush on a boy, we're just friends." He had flew up off the bed and now stood with fiery red cheeks and crossed arms in front of Beverly.

She sighed and stood up from the bed, laying her hands on Eddie's shoulders, "It's okay if you like him. There's nothing wrong with that." Eddie shook her hands off his shoulders, "Yes there is...I'm not- I'm not a fucking fag, okay? Now if you will excuse me..." he said before making his way out of the bedroom.

He forcefully swung the door open and was about to angrily walk downstairs when he crashed into someone. He looked up and saw two big eyes from behind glasses staring back at him. "Euh..Richie, hi..What are you doing here?" he asked the boy in front of him, "Well, you screamed my name so I came." Richie said while pointing fingerguns at Eddie. But even though he was laughing there still was a hint of concern evident in his voice.

"Oh euh, yeah everything is fine. Let's just get ready for bed." He answered back while grabbing his toiletry bag and making his way over to the bathroom. The rest of the boys were now also making their way upstairs, laying out their sleeping bags on the floor while Eddie went to brush his teeth.

He walked out of the bathroom putting his toiletry bag away before he realised he had forgotten his floss in the bathroom. Richie had entered it, but it probably wouldn't be a problem if Eddie just quickly grabbed it.

He opened the bathroom door only to see Richie swallowing down a pill. His head snapped towards the door, eyes widening when he saw Eddie standing there, "What kind of pills are those?" Eddie asked, reaching out to the orangey yellow bottle standing on the edge of the sink but Richie quickly snatched it, pushing the lid back on before stuffing them away, "Oh, just allergy pills." he said with a crooked smile but Eddie knew that those weren't allergy pills.

He had caught a glimpse of the words on the label, something with pax and parox, but Richie had picked up the bottle to fast for Eddie to properly read it. Suddenly it dawned on Eddie...Paxil, it contains paroxetine...it's an antidepressant. It hadn't been on the market that long, just over a year or so, so Eddie wasn't that familiar with the name but he had seen it a couple times when it just came out.

"Richie...I-" he reached out for Richie's hand but the ravenette moved away, "Don't...just don't okay." he pushed past Eddie and made his way out of the bathroom leaving the brunette in shock.

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