Chapter one

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It's Saturday morning. I've been to Vasterås for over three weeks already and slowly I'm getting used to staying indoors unless I really have a reason to step my foot outside. Most of the things, especially shopping is up to Victor, my husband. Thank God we were able to take our dog Noora with us. She is the only one who somehow helps me to get through boredom or loneliness when Victor isn't with me. I'm missing my friends who stayed in the UK, like Sarah and her brother John (who looks like he's about to roast you, but in reality, he's one of the nicest guys you could ever meet), Jesse and his sarcasm or just my neighbours (yes, I mean that). The lady that lives in the house next to ours brings us a cake from time to time, invites us over to her house for a dinner or lunch or we just hang out in our backyards and let our dogs play together.

I can't even count how many times we played Fifa or NHL on Playstation this week, I've stopped counting after our 5th NHL game. I've lost most of the games, but it was kinda hilarious to see Victor's face when I scored a goal. Never heard him saying ugly words in his language so often like last couple days. But there is a one good thing in Victor saying multiple curse words, at least I will learn them all someday.

Little does he know I've ordered a new shelf set and a closet for our new apartment here in Vasterås. I've got it from IKEA so it should be pretty easy for him to set up without using bad words. Also, he can invite his brothers to come and help if he needs to, but that's probably gonna end up in me mistaking his brother Alexander for him and vice versa. I swear all of four Lindelöf brothers look almost the same. Well, Sacharias is the only one with the man bun, but the same face as the rest.

"What's up with the smug on your face, Germy?", I hear Victor ask and immediately leave my thoughts. For how long has he been staring at me before he decided to speak up? And even, when did he come back from the grocery shopping?

"Oh nothing, Vic, nothing serious at all," I say and look away, pretending I wasn't lost in my thoughts again. How can I tell him he's gonna have to do some furniture building in nearby days?

"Alright then. I've bought myself some goods from the bakery, like those big cookies and some wholegrain bread. Then I went to a grocery store and got some milk, tea, snacks and a bottle of wine too." Victor says and playfully winks at me. He really knows what I like. I'm speaking of the cookies, of course. But the wine isn't bad as well if its good quality.

"What about Noora? She needs her food too. Or you want our princess to starve?" I say, laugh a little and gently pet her back and look up at Victor, who is smiling wide and holding a bag full of goods for Noora, our dog. He literally never disappoints me.

I shake my head laughing and get up from the couch, taking two bags full of groceries and take them to the kitchen to unload them and put everything where it belongs. He also got some spices, Haribo sweets, salt crackers, tea, coffee and so on. We won't have to step outside for at least a good week or so. 

Meanwhile, Victor puts some dog food into Noora's food bowl. She immediately rushes to him, puts her front paws on his leg and happily barks before sniffing on the food. She seems to like it because if she didn't, she would flip the bowl over like she usually does when she doesn't like the smell of the food. I could say she's the pickiest dog I have ever seen. I have no idea where she learned that from, probably me, since I'm picky eater myself.

I finally find the cookies Victor has mentioned before and eat one of them. When we still were in the UK, he always got someone here in Sweden to get them sent to us since those cookies just taste way better than any other cookies in the whole world. I know that sounds strange, but it's true.

"You really love those dried round flat pieces of dough, don't you? My little cookie monster." Victor says and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I love when he holds me like this, it reminds me of so many memories we created over the years that we are together.

"They're called cookies and yes I love them, but not as much as I love you," I say and my phone vibrates, so I take it out of my pocket and see it's a message from one of my UK friends, Zayn. I read the message and almost choke on my cookie. He's having a baby with Gigi Hadid. I thought they broke up a long time ago, but it seems like they're back together and celebrated their get together quite well. I smile and text him back congratulations and some nice stuff to him, his girl and the mini. He's a good guy, sometimes he's too stubborn, but he's a good one.

Victor obviously noticed my reaction to the message and took the rest of the cookie away from me and of course, ate it. Then he hugged me and asked me what has gotten me so shocked, so I told him and he just smiled and hid his face in the crook of my neck. He does that when he's either shy or up to something he doesn't wanna tell me yet. I find that really adorable. To be really honest, almost everything he does I find adorable.

"So what are our plans for the rest of the day?", I ask Victor and he says something, but I have no idea what it was so I ask him again. He holds me a bit tighter this time and sighs. 

"Let's take a nap and then we could go for a short walk in the near park. I'm sure Noora would agree it's a great idea for all of us three." Victor says, picks me up and carries me to the bedroom for our nap session. Luckily, I changed the bedsheets earlier so this nap is gonna be a bit more enjoyable. For some reason, sleeping in clean sheets feels just better. 

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