Chapter two

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I wake up from our little nap to empty bed. I get out of the bed as quickly as I can and begin to look for Victor. I search the whole flat and there are no signs of him or of our dog, Noora. I start to panic a little when the door at our bathroom opens wide and Victor walks out of the room with Noora. Noora, my poor husky, is wearing a pastel pink dog coat and she has a bow on her head. What did the Swede do to my dog? She looks like walking cotton candy, for god's sake. Or a pastel pink cloud.

''May I ask what did you do to our dog, Victor? She looks like some pastel pink bomb just went off!', I say, trying to hold my laughter in and keeping my face straight and serious as much as I can. I can tell Victor isn't buying it, because he is about to burst to laugh as well.

''Well, my dear, I wanted to dress our dog girl into something pretty so she could attract some Swedish dog and they could date!'', Victor says excitedly. ''But you're not wrong, she really looks like some pastel pink cloud with four paws and two pointy grey ears.''

I call Noora over to me and take it all off of her, what results in her licking my whole face at least a hundred times if not more. She loves to express her happiness through endless licking. She still acts like a puppy even though she's three years old. I'm not sure she could still be considered as a puppy.

She has her sparkly collar with her name tag on already, so I just connect it to her leash and we are ready to go. Just for the record, I didn't get her the sparkly collar, I'm not much of sparkly person myself. 

I put on my trainers, hoodie, grab my phone, wallet and as a habit of mine, I begin to look for keys. I forgot we have only one set of keys from this apartment and Victor is mostly the one who has them. And this is the case today as well. We're gonna get made another set of keys later this week, just in case.

All three of us leave the apartment, Victor locks the door and we choose to take stairs instead of the elevator, because I'm not sure if Noora would handle it well being in such small place, even for a short amount of time. She is used to only being in big or open spaces.

"Hmm it's windy, but sunny day today," Victor says and puts the keys into a pocket on his hoodie. "But, it's not as beautiful as you are."

''Oh stop it or I will blush or better, turn into a tomato with my whole face being a red or reddish-pink shade.'' I laugh and watch Noora wiggling her fluffy tail. I hold Noora's leash in one hand and with my other one I hold Victor's hand. I can pretty much say, that my hands are full. Full with something that I love.

After like fifteen minutes of walking mostly straight down the street, we finally reach the park Victor was talking about. The only couple of people are here, but mostly there are people with dogs.

This park is really peaceful place. You can hear birds chirping, sun rays shining through the trees, people chatting, dogs barking and water from the tiny lake nearby. I just hope Noora won't decide to chase after the birds as she loves to do. 

I like places like this one, it's really good for getting out of the reality of rush life and just relax. We have a similar park in Manchester as well, but this one is special in its own way. This one seems a tiny bit greener. And just the atmosphere is something else here.

"Wanna go sit down on that bench and let the dog have some fun with other dogs?" Victor asks me as we approach a bench that is located just right under a tree, which provides some shade on this cold but sunny day. I just nod and we walk over there, sit down, I disconnect the leash from Noora's collar, pet her head and let her join the little dog squad that has formed near us. I could tell she is a pretty social dog, she isn't shy at all! She loves to casually walk over to a totally stranger dog or a person and beg for some treats or just wiggle her tail. That is her way to show that she is friendly. I guess she has a nose for everyone, even an animal, with a big warm heart. Not forget to mention that she looks like a big plush dog that you would love to cuddle on a cold rainy day. That is exactly what I do sometimes. 

I take my phone out of the pocket of my hoodie and snap a photo of Noora as she approaches the dog squad. I swear I have more photos of my dog than of myself. I just can't help myself and photograph her at any given occasion. She is the most beautiful dog I have ever seen. 

'' I hope you didn't take at least five photos of the dog again, one photo is just enough!'' Victor says and laughs before taking the phone away from me and taking a couple of selfies of himself. If he took normal selfies I would be fine with it, but no, he makes silly faces instead. I still haven't gotten used to him being this silly, but in some way, I love this side of him. 

''So taking multiple photos of my own dog is wrong but you taking a million selfies on my phone is alright?'' I laugh and nudge Victor a little with my elbow. 

''But you must have many photos of me in your phone because I leave for games often over the season and you can't forget how handsome I can be!'' Victor says for his offence, but it doesn't seem like a good explanation to me, so of course, it results in making me laugh. 

What have I gotten myself into when I said yes to him?  Oh lord. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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