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I walked around backstage laughing.  They locked me in a room with a back door. And they didn't even lock that one!  The look on Seth's face, when he saw me, was one of shock and amusement.   Shocked that I got out and amused that I actually had the patience to wait.


When it came to Seth I normally didn't.  I'd do some funny things like the ice bucket but fuck waiting.  I jumped him a lot on air.  Off air I jumped his bones and fucked him constantly.   But I never heard him complaining.   I walked into my locker room and dug through my bag to get things for my shower. I smiled at the flex cuffs I had stashed there for when Seth and I met up tonight. I had a feeling about them and folded them up in my towel.


I was in the shower when I heard the echo of entering footsteps. I let the water roll over my back until I was turned and pressed against the wall.  Pretty brown eyes and a pouty mouth was in front of me.  Seth lunged forward and crushed his mouth to mine. I quickly turned the tables and up, slamming him against the wall.  He gasped and I took the opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth. He tried to fight me for dominance even as one of his legs wrapped around my waist.  His cock brushing against mine.


I backed away from his mouth and kissed down his neck and to his shoulder, latching onto it with my teeth.  "Dean, stop the makeup lady already hates me, don't mark me."  He said grinding against me.


"Since when have you or I ever cared about what people think about us,” I breathed against him as the water fell over us. “Six weeks is too long, Seth."


"Then take me, baby." Seth pulled my head to his and kissed me like he was drowning.


"You might not like it." I smiled against his lips.


"When have I ever not like something you did." Seth wrapping his hand in my hair and yanked, pulling a growl from my throat. Seth let me go and went over to the bench, pulling the handcuffs out from my towel.  "Specially if it has to do with these."  Seth laughed.


"God I'm starting to think you're a slut."  I laughed as I left the warm water and went to Seth pushing him against the wall.  "Are you, Seth, are you a cock slut."  I ground against him again and again.


"Fuck," he panted. "Only for you, Dean."


I turned him around, his chest against the wassup and grind against his ass.  I skillfully and discreetly took the cuffs from Seth's hand and put them on him.  He was lost enough that he didn't notice until the cuffs bit into his wrists painfully. I tightened them just a bit too much. I laughed at the whine that left his mouth.


“Dean, please,” I barely heard Seth’s breathy plea.


“Please, what Sethie,” I chuckled in his ear.


“Don’t make me beg, Dean, please.”  Seth spoke a little louder that time.


I ground into him harder and latched back onto his shoulder.   I kept biting and sucking as my hand slid to his cock.  My grip was tight enough to keep him from coming and to drive him insane.  If the moans echoing off the tile was anything to go by.  I laughed as the breathy moans turned into needy and desperate whining.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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