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.... slience was upon the grave. only a low whisper could have been heard from miles. The graveyard was completely and enirely empty and quiet. Max woke up on a Tursday morning in a graveyard. "what the-" he looked all around him and no one to be seen. "where am i?" "Freeze" there were 7 SWAT officers surrounding Max. He was dazed and confused. "where am I?" he asked the cop. the police still hair their guns aimed at Max and looked at him weirdly. "son you best stop resisting!" Max was confused but followed orders. Max was taken down to Aims county jail and waited for trial. "I am truly confused as to where and who I am." "Tell it to the judge you delinquent" What... delinquent ? what was he talking about ? I have never committed a crime thought Max. "I guess we'll just wait and see"

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