Chapter 3

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Rosie point of view

 We've been in this car for days now occasionally stopping at local gas stations for food, drinks, and of course gas. Since my sister and me gotten into this car I've been in the same position. Eyes shield shut, head against the window, and my knees pulled to my chest.

 Silence hung in the air like the ceiling itself. The only thing that seemed to moving other than the car was the rapid beating of my heart. My body was too exhausted for panic mode to kick its way through my system. It hasn't yet registered in my head that I'm in a car with a stranger, my mother has passed, father has disappeared, and that the only family I have left is my sister or has it?

 Is that the reason as to why I feel like this? Like my life is over and that I have nothing left to live for anymore. Sounds funny right? Like my life is over ha! A voice in my head laughed and said it hasn't even began.

 The energy seem to be leaving my body slowly draining me weak. There's a nagging voice at the back of my head and every second it reaches the surface, sending a message to my brain whispering "stay strong for her".

 I could care less as to what the voice was and why it was talking to me, but by her I knew exactly what it meant. I had to stay strong, for myself and for crystal. From now on I will do anything and everything sacrificing my eight year old life to protect her.

 In that exact moment at a leisurely pace my eyes began to open. Adjusting my eyes to the light a small groan escaped my lips, as my body began to finally feel the uncomfortable position I was in. Limb by limb, I unfolded my body.

 My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and began to beat against my rib cage as I glanced towards the driver's seat. For a second I thought it was her, my mother in the flesh. Joy swept over me lifting me into cloud nine. It left just as fast as it came.

 Quietly sucking in a sharp breath, tears began to brim the edge of my eyes. Lucky for me Crystal was sleeping and Mrs. Stranger was too occupied in driving to see me."Promise me to always stick together no matter what okay"? My mother's words echoed in my head. I nodded as if she was here speaking to me now. "Promise", I said to myself no higher than whisper.

 I didn't even know I was crying until the salty taste of tears feel upon my lips. Taking a deep breath, I began whipping at the wetness. Cleaning my face caused my heart to swell. ''Promise" I said again sounding more confident. You can do this it's no big deal, I thought to myself. All you have to do is stick with each other. How hard could that be?

 A smile spread across, my face as I took a glance towards Crystals sleeping form. Gripping her hands in mines, I brought it up to my lips and planted a soft kiss among them. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and lead her hand to my chest. Holding it over my heart, I made a promise to her.

 "I will always be here for you no matter what. I promise Crystal that I'll never leave you and well never be separated. Swiping a piece of her luxurious chocolate curls which glisten in the sun from her face, I let go of her hand, and turned towards the window.

 Tilting my head towards the side, I started to admire the evergreen trees, as they stood tall and strong creaking against the fierce winds. My eyes became watery as, I blankly gazed at the endless row of green. Tree after tree went by and all I could do was stare.

 My mind was completely blank. A black space of nothing, but all of a sudden, I could hear voices and lots of them. Twisting my head around so fast only caused my neck to pop, making a crackling sound and the voices stopped. There was no point in turning around, but I had to. I knew for a fact that Crystal was still sleeping. You could hear her faint sounds of snoring. Other than that everyone was silent. So where were these voices coming from?

 Slowly shifting in my seat, I turned back towards the window. My eyes directly connected with the evergreens. For the second time all I did was stare and the voices started again only louder this time. The trees began to turn color, shifting their shape and form, creating another image. I began breathing in short pants as I gripped my head hoping to stop the headache that was approaching.

 No matter how hard I tried to turn my head away from the window it was no use. It wasn't working. The image was blurry and I could barely see anything. At that exact moment only one word ran through my mind in big bold letters. Blind. I began to have trouble breathing as my body started to shake. Hysteria cracked my minds wall of clarity, smashing my barrier into pieces, allowing that possibility to flow straight to my brain, hitting every nerve in my body.

The only detailed information I could give you is of what I heard.

 "We've found them!" one yelled.

 "Bring them to me finish your job and get this over with before it's too late" she said.

You guys I know that's its short but i didn't want to keep you waiting i still have lots of more i was going to make the 3+4+5 chapter all one together but I've kept y'all waiting to long please comment and vote as you wish if there's any confusion feel free to send a private message. Love you guys and hope you enjoy this thank you again for reading this. Could someone help me with a new cover please if you want to help me


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