Chapter #3 Forget-Me-Nots

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I began to stir awake when the sun started to rise. The field went on for miles, and was in direct line with the sun so the sunrise was in full view. It was quite pretty...

"I hope no one noticed me gone." The morning air was warm like an embrace. I wanted to stay their forever. I don't want to go back to normal life.

I felt something vibrate in my pocket. I pull out the amulet and answered it. Our king, Matheo was there. He seemed slight panicked.

"Oh thank god someone's up.... Despair, where are you?" He asked, probably confused from my surroundings.

"On watch..."

"Ah... well, we believe we found the person. You all can start making your way back once everyone is awake. Be very cautious." Matheo calmly told me. I nodded. "Despair... are you alright, you look like you've been crying."

"I'm fine, thanks for telling me. See you when we get home." I hang up on him, falling back into the flowers. Tears tried to resurface but I didn't let them. I wiped the tear stains from last night off my face and get up to prepare for the trip.

I spend the day preparing until everyone was up. I informed everyone how they caught them, my acting seemingly flawless.
After breakfast we saddled up and started on the route home.

My place was in the back. Everyone was talking. Velouria was in the front, then Venrie and Vio, next Thorne and Marianne, then Xavier and Velouria's brother, Lux and Cal, then me.

I stayed at least a meter and a half away from the group. Just incase tears started bubbling up.

"Despair, what's wrong?" Cal was beside me now. "You haven't been annoying all day. You've actually been more useful then ever. Something's up."

I laugh it off, "I don't know what your talking about, Callie." Calling him a Nickname should silence him.

"Shut the fuck up, Despair." He picked up his horse's pace to catch up with his mom. He's still suspicious but he's off my back for now.

I should just forget about this whole crush. It's not worth the pain sorrow. I felt tears. I never loved her. Remember that. Nothing happened that night. Nothing will ever happen between us again.

Just don't forget me, Luxiria Valmon.

Never forget me.

Flower Crowns | Despair Redraven x Luxiria Valmon (Luxpair) | Sealed FatesWhere stories live. Discover now