Chapter 18: Just the Procedure

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Aizawa hastily makes his way through the halls of UA, students parting around him like the Red Sea with slightly fearful expressions on their faces. The teacher doesn't have any idea as to why these expressions are there until he arrives in the front of the principal's office and approaches Present Mic.

"Woah there, Shouta. What crawled into your shoe and died?" the loud hero asks jokingly.

Aizawa raises an eyebrow. "What?"

Mic rolls his eyes. "You have a death glare going on. Looks like you're planning on murdering somebody," he says and chuckles, but Aizawa scowls further. Mic's smile slips. "Please tell me you're not going to actually murder anybody."

No response.


Eraserhead grumbles something under his breath but both his and Mic's heads shoot up when they hear a loud crash inside the office followed by screaming. The two hero's glance at each other before Mic opens the door and they hurriedly walk inside.

They are greeted with the sight of a screeching Bakugou Mitsuki as she is blocked from attacking a calm Nezu by All Might, who is trying to be gentle but has an angered expression that he is clearly trying his best to hide. The woman continuously tries to push past the hero. "Mrs. Bakugou, please sit down," All Might asks in a no-nonsense tone quite unlike his usual self.

Mitsuki snarls and glares at Nezu past All Might's side. The intelligent principle politely smiles back from his chair, paws folded on his desk. The blonde woman scowls and angrily sits in the chair, back straight and poised, chin angling upwards condescendingly as she folds her arms, inferring that she is the better of anyone else in the room. "This is ridiculous. What makes you think any of this was even me? You can't take such actions. You have no proof," Mitsuki says slyly.

The bear/mouse/dog replies with a friendly tone. "Mrs. Bakugou, we seem to have our most important guest back here. Hello Eraserhead." The pro nods to the principal but maintains an uncharacteristically angry glare trained on the woman as he moves to the side of the principal's desk. "Now, Mrs. Bakugou, I believe that you understand who this man is?"

The woman rolls her eyes. "He is Katsuki's home room teacher and some sort of weak underground hero," she says, chuckling to herself.

Nezu takes the chance to raise his own eyebrow, despite it blending in with the rest of his fur. "Ma'am, you seem to have built some sort of misconception. I assure you that Mr. Aizawa here is quite a powerful hero, despite working in the underground portion of the job. You see, he has dealt with many cases of child abuse—"

Mitsuki snarls, "None of—"

The principal raises a paw and speaks more loudly and surely. "and has built up a great reputation with other, more well known to the public, heroes. This also connects him quite well with some acquaintances, or friends, one might say, in the child protective services in this area."

Nezu pauses to let the information sink in, lowering his paw as he sees the woman turning over the information in her mind, most likely contemplating a way to get out of the situation. He holds back a smile as he sees one grow on Mitsuki's face as well. Just as expected.

Mitsuki leans back slightly and smirks with the eyes of a predator appearing on her face. "Even with the word of that hero and any acquaintances he may have," she says, waving a hand around dismissively, "do you have any idea how much power I have over the people here? I am a well known model. If the child protective services even approached my house I could go to the media and put on a nice little show of a mother's sad tears as her child, whom she has cared for his whole life, is wrenched from her by the word of some shady underground hero with only the word of some other heroes backing him up."

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