Chapter 23

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They arrived back at the hotel and everyone went to their respective rooms. Destiny was concerned about Sam, he had been pale and shaky when they reached their destination. She said as much to Josh.

"Yeah, he didn't look good. Tell you what, I'll go and see if Danny will sleep in his room. They're tight, so I can't see any problems."

Destiny nodded and she started the preparations for tea. It wasn't lost on Josh, and they'd be talking sooner or later. Which was fine by him as he had a bunch of questions. But they also had a show to do that night, so he'd see.

Josh walked down to Danny's room, knocked loudly, and waited. And waited. Josh knocked again and when there wasn't an answer after two minutes or so, he went to Sam's room. He knocked and Danny answered the door with a grin.

"Guess we both had the same idea."

Josh nodded and replied, "Looks like. How is he?"

"Well, he's okay, I think. But, whatever he saw, or thinks he saw, has him pretty shaken. I'm glad I'm here.  He keeps asking for Destiny."

"Des? Why?"

Danny shrugged. "I guess he must really trust her. At least with this. Listen, Josh, I have to get some sleep and you should too. We've got a show and we need to be up for it."

Josh nodded, gave Danny the peace sign, and went back to his room. Destiny had the tea service all laid out. Josh sighed inwardly then took a seat on the sofa.

"We can't talk long, darlin', I have to get some rest."

"I know, so I'm asking you to keep an open mind. Tea?" she asked before they got started. Josh said yes and Destiny fixed two cups. When the tea was served and Josh was tentatively sipping the hot brew, Destiny said, "I don't know any other way to tell you than straight out." She took a deep breath and said, "I'm a witch."

Josh shrugged his shoulders. "I knew that. To an extent, so am I. We both tend to follow the Wiccan Path..."

"No Josh, you aren't hearing me. I am a witch, a real witch. I don't do parlor magic.  The spells I cast and the energies I have are real."

Josh blinked and said something completely unexpected. "I know. On some level, I've always known. I was just waiting for you to be ready to tell me."

Destiny was surprised by his confession. "You knew? Why didn't you ask me about it sooner?"

"As I said, I was waiting for you to tell me. I've been somewhat different most of my life, I do quirky things, make off the wall comments, have always wanted to be the center of attention. I like making films, and I love to front Greta Van Fleet." Josh took a sip of his tea. "Then it started to feel, like, not enough. That's when I took my walk and that's when I met you, and I knew. I gave you plenty of openings to tell me, even though I denied it sometime."  Josh put down his tea cup and leveled his gaze at destiny. "So, the thing Sam saw, it was real?" Destiny nodded. Josh continued, "And Tanta's house is under a glamour? Is that it?"  Destiny nodded again. Josh pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. When he opened them he asked, "What's on the fourth floor of Tanta's house? And for a group of men who are curious, why did we never try and go up there?"

Destiny answered. "It's where Tanta teaches the Art. It's also where the portal is. And, she put you under a compulsion not to go up."

"So," Josh said slowly. "Tanta is a witch, just like Sam said."

Destiny shook her head. "Tanta has very limited power. She can do some things, but they're really minor. The glamour was cast by the Sprites and maintained by the Fae."

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