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I slowly walked down the village streets, turning at one corner or another making my way to the training grounds. The sun was shining bright, it was an unusually hot day sweat formed on my forehead. 'It just had to be today of all days'.

I felt my body fatigue under my weight as I dragged my legs along the dirt path that lead to the grounds. 'The curse mark really took a lot out of me'. It usually wasn't too bad when the curse mark revealed itself, I would be able to bounce back but today was different. It might have been because of that ninja we captured. 'Did Orochimaru send him here?' I thought. My thoughts were suddenly disturbed by the sound of my name being called.


"Huh?" I looked up to find Sakura running up to me.

"Oh hi Sakura" I smiled pushing all my thoughts to the side.

"So glad you could make it to training". She said smiling as we walked to the spot where Naruto and Sai sat. "Hey Tskumi" Naruto chirped when he saw me, a blush finding its way across his face. 'He still must not be used to how I dress'.

I smiled "Hi Naruto, Sai" I replied nodding over at the smiling boy.

'I thought I was late' I thought looking around for the silver haired jonin.

"If you're looking for Kakashi-sensei he's late, like always" Naruto groaned obviously annoyed that Kakashi was no where to be found. He slumped over propping his elbows on his thighs and resting his face in the palms of his hands.

I chuckled "And I thought I was the one who was always late for training. I guess this happens often?" I asked turning over to Sakura.

She laughed nervously "yeah, it's kind of his signature move". She replied defeated. "And today of all days to be late!" She continued.

I shrugged and sighed, it was no problem for me. It actually would give me some time to rest before the training. I dropped to the ground sitting next to Naruto, I sighed and laid back propping my head with my arms.

"So Tskumi, if you don't mind me asking. How come we've never met before?" Sakura replied sitting across from me. I pulled myself up from my sprawled out position on the ground and sat propping my head with my arm. I thought for a moment. "I guess it's because I graduated the academy pretty young. Yeah that's probably why". I spoke. Naruto's ears seemed to perk up.

"So then what is your rank?" Naruto asked.

"It would probably be jonin" I replied, trying not to reveal too much about myself.

"Prob--?" Sakura questioned as her voice trailed off.

"Ahhh sorry for being late guys. I got lost walking on the path of life" A deep voice materialized out of no where. "Oh stuff it Kakashi-sensei, we've been sitting here for hours waiting for you" Naruto yelled jumping to his feet. Kakashi's arms flew up in a defensive manner as he smiled through his mask. "It can't be helped" He replied.

"I've been waiting all day to train Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto huffed as he turned his body away in an almost pouting manner. I chuckled to myself.

'I am starting to like this team'.

"Actually since we have new addition to the team I would like to start out by seeing what Tskumi can do". His voice was smooth and knowing. I looked up to Kakashi from my place on the ground and raised an eye brow.

"See what I can do?" I repeated.

"Well yeah, I know what the rest of team is capable of I just have to gauge you now". I couldn't tell if he was finishing from his tone but something from his voice was almost challenging.

Kakashi Sensei LemonWhere stories live. Discover now