Flirtatious! Crush (M) x Sad! Reader (F)

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(y/n pov)

I woke up at around seven o' clock in the morning, my eyes puffy from crying. The night before, my boyfriend, (random boy's name), had dumped me. He was perfect. The best person I'd ever met, and he'd dumped me. He'd said it was "too difficult" going to a different than me and that if he were to date me, I'd need to transfer.

As if.

I heaved myself out of my bed. I was still wearing his sweatshirt. I wanted to keep it on but it smelled to bad that even I couldn't handle it. I slipped it off and put on a t-shirt and sweatpants, shoving the sweatshirt into a box under my dresser.

I brushed my hair but soon got tired of brushing through the knots that I just let it be and put it up in a ponytail. I grabbed my backpack and put out my shoes, heading outside without speaking to my family. I didn't want them to see me like this.

I walked to school with my earbuds in and my hoodie over my head. Anyone could tell that I was sad. I didn't care. I was going through it like anyone else who'd been dumped by their boyfriend.

I arrived at school and headed to (best friend's name)'s locker. I leaned against the wall and proceeded to scroll through all our old pictures when I heard an all-too familiar laugh.

"Hey, Y/N, why the long face?" C/N asked as he leaned against the wall with his elbow, facing me. I looked up. I probably looked like crap right now with puffy eyes and eye bags under them.

Actually, I probably looked like that every day.

"Leave me alone, C/N," I muttered, looking back at my phone. I didn't want to draw any attention. However, he snatched my phone and held it above his head.

"Come on, Y/N, don't be sad. After all, I'm here! How could you be sad?" C/N smirked.

"Give me my phone back!" I yelled, ignoring his statement. I jumped up to grab it but he swiftly swiped his hand away and laughed. "I'm being serious!" I said angrily. How could he be so stupid to annoy me when I was clearly not in the mood that day?

"You'll have to tell me what's wrong first," C/N teased, continuing to move his hand away as I tried to grab my phone back. "Come on, just give up now, you'll never be able to get your phone at this rate!"

"Come on, C/N, not today please!" I snapped, lowering my arms in defeat.

"You're either going to tell me what's wrong, or turn that frown upside down and kiss me," C/N laughed. Before he could say anything else, I slapped him across the face.

C/N laughed harder. Obviously that hadn't worked very well. "Is your mood that bad today, Y/N? What happened, did you and (random boy's name) get into a fight or something?"

I felt tears well up in my eyes and I wiped them with my hand. How could he be so insensitive and blurt out random things like that? I didn't care about my phone anymore. I just didn't want anyone to see me burst into tears in the middle of the hallway. Quickly, I spun around and headed straight to my spot under the stairs where I could let it all out in peace.

"Wait, Y/N!? What's wrong!?" I heard C/N call out. Oh, now he cares? I thought to myself angrily.

I felt my pace quicken as C/N tried to go after me, but I heard (best friend's name)'s voice and soon his footsteps stopped. I jogged to my spot under the stairs and curled up in a ball. Tears began to fall down my cheeks as I thought of (random boy's name). How could C/N casually mention him like that when anything could have happened between us?

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see (best friend's name) and I felt myself stand up and hug her. All I wanted was comfort.


(c/n pov)

How could I be so stupid? I took things too far again... I thought to myself as I paced the hallway. (Best friend's name) had stopped me from going after Y/N and now all I could do was wait for the right time to apologize. All I wanted was to make her feel better... She always ignores me and teasing her is the only way I can get her attention.

I bit my lip and soon I couldn't handle it any longer. I began asking around for Y/N but most people just gave me confused looks. I probably looked like an idiot right now. Most of all though, I felt terrible for Y/N.

Soon, I ran into (best friend's name) who had been coming out of the bathroom. She gave me a glare and tried to walk past me but I stopped her. "Wait! Please... I need to talk to Y/N..." I held up her phone, "and give this back to her."

"Why the hell did you say that to her? You know, (random boy's name) dumped her yesterday. She didn't want to talk to you, but you didn't listen!" (Best friend's name) snapped.

I felt my heart drop for Y/N. I didn't know that had happened. I felt so terrible. I never liked her boyfriend, which is why I continued to flirt with her, but I knew she was practically head over heels for him. I didn't know it had been that bad.

"I'm sorry I-" I began.

"If you really want to talk to her you'll find her yourself," (best friend's name) huffed as she walked away.

I was about to speak but decided I probably shouldn't annoy her more. I sighed and began searching once more.

After a while of searching, I headed to the patio to take a break when I saw Y/N sitting on one of the benches. She looks so beautiful.. but sad... I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and walked over, sitting down next to her.


(y/n pov)

I felt someone sit down next to me and hoped to see (best friend's name) again, but frowned when I saw C/N. I quickly wiped my tears eyes. "What do you want?" I asked in a quiet but irritated voice.

"I... I'm sorry Y/N... (Best friend's name) told me what happened. I didn't know..." C/N said to me.

"You still shouldn't have said any of that..." I mumbled softly, looking to the side.

"I know it's just... I always try to get your attention but you always ignore me. You were looking sad so I wanted to make you laugh, but it did the opposite..." C/N sighed.

I didn't respond.

"You're so perfect Y/N, and if (random boy's name) is going to dump you over something stupid, he doesn't deserve you. He's not good enough for you. No one's good enough for you, Y/N. You're amazing," he continued. There was a moment of silence.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and felt myself hugging him. I couldn't stay mad at him like this. "It's okay, I forgive you," I sniffled, tears still running down my cheeks.

I eventually pulled away and wiped my eyes, giving C/N a small smile. "Did you really mean all that?" I asked softly.

"Of course I did, Princess," he replied with a playful smile. I felt myself blush and he laughed at it, hugging me again.

There was another moment of silence after we pulled away once more and soon I forgot about (random boy's name). C/N leaned in and I felt myself doing it as well. He kissed me and I kissed back. Everything was so perfect. I blushed as we pulled away and I saw a tint of red on his cheeks as well.

"So," he said with a smirk, "is it official then?"

"Give me a couple days," I replied with a sigh and a smile, "but then it will be."

C/N smiled and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me again. "You're so perfect, Y/N, and I don't mind waiting, even if it's for a thousand years."

Word Count: 1406

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