Chapter Twenty-Five: The Beach

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When I got out there, it was almost completely dark. The only things I could see were the full moon and the silhouettes of a few of my friends. I saw three of the silhouettes holding stick-like shadows. I walked over to one of the shadows and turned on my flashlight on my phone. It was Charli, holding two tiki torches. 

"Hey, Charli," I said, reaching out to grab one of them, offering to help.

She smiled and handed it to me. "Hey." 

I stuck the tiki torch in the sand deep, so it wouldn't fall over and light the whole beach on fire. "What are we lighting these with?" I asked.

"I think Addi has a lighter," she replied, pointing to another of the silhouettes. The shadow of the tiki torch beside the silhouette lit up, and the light revealed Addi with a cigarette lighter. I nodded, giggling at her celebration dance when she got it to light up. She ran over with the lighter, handing it to me. I lit the torch and walked over to Charli. I gave her the lighter and she lit that one. We walked over to another silhouette, Nessa, and I lit her torch for her. 

"So, how was your second day in LA?" she asked, hugging me.

"Amazing," I replied, blushing in the light from the fire. 

"You mean Tony's amazing?" Avani said, walking up behind me. I turned around and smiled at her, blushing more. 

"He's just so sweet," I replied, fiddling with my fingers. 

Arms wrapped around my waist and a chin landed on my shoulder. "Who's so sweet?" Tony asked. I giggled and layed my head on his. He let me go and I laughed. He looked at me suspiciously, having no idea what I was about to do. I took off past him, knowing I was just a little faster than him. I ran and ran until I got to the water. I dove in, swimming to where I could just barely touch the ground. I ducked under when I saw him dive in, and waited until I heard him get close. Then, I popped up, scaring him and making him jump back a few feet. I laughed, falling back underwater. 

He pulled me back up, wrapping his arms around my waist again. "I think I like you," I mumbled, laying my head on his chest. He chuckled.

"What?" I asked, standing up straight again. He just shook his head, still laughing. I turned around and started to head back to shore. "I mean, if you don't like me, we can just go back-"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. "No."

"What do you mean, no?" I asked, still pulling away from him while hiding my smile. I knew he was stronger, but I didn't care. 

"No," he grunted, pulling me closer and wrapping his arms around my waist again. I laughed, revealing my hidden smile. He laughed, too, and let me go. That was a mistake, but he didn't know it. I smirked, and he raised his left eyebrow. I slowly backed away, giving away my idea. He reached forward, but not fast enough. 

I took off backwards, swimming as fast as I could. I swam and swam until I could feel the sand grazing my stomach. I stood up and ran, all the way to where Anthony, Jaden, Bryce, and Chase were sitting in their trunks, watching Avani, Addi, Mads, and Charli make a TikTok by a tree. I ran behind them, making Anthony jump and Jaden shake his head. I knew Tony was right behind me, so I ran behind the girls and hid. Avani gave me away, though, not knowing what I was doing. 

Tony ran up beside me and started to wrap his arms around me again, but when he heard the sound they were using, he stopped and turned to the camera. With a weird smile on his face, he started doing the dance. I busted out laughing, and he smiled bigger. I couldn't just stand and watch, so I danced with him. 

Tony, Avani, Addi, Mads, Charli, and I all made a few more TikToks on each other's accounts, then we decided it was probably time to go to bed. After all, it was 1:02 AM.

We gave our goodbyes, hugs, and waves, and got ready to go back to the Sway House. I hugged Tony as tight as I could and told him I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow. He agreed, and hugged me back. We split and they headed back to the Hype House while the Sway Boys, Mads, and I headed back to the Sway House. 

When I got to the kitchen, I realized that my clothes and everything else I bought that day was still at the Hype House. 

"Dang it," I mumbled, shaking my head. 

"What?" I heard a voice ask, and I turned around to see Kio propped against the doorway. 

"I left my whole haul at the Hype House," I replied crossing my arms. 

He chuckled, and I tilted my head, confused.

"Your whole haul. Most of which Tony and I carried," he added, shaking his head jokingly.

I giggled and opened the freezer door. I grabbed the cake from my "party" and put it on the island. I grabbed two forks and a knife. I cut a big slice and put it on a plate. I sat down, then realized how stupid I was. Kio was there, not Payton. Kio wouldn't share a slice of cake with me, that would be weird. I facepalmed, and he sat down beside me. 

"What is it now?" he asked, grabbing a fork from my hand and taking a bite of the cake. I looked up, surprised, and he laughed when he saw my face. "You did intend that I eat this with you, right?"

I nodded, burying my face in my hands and then turning my hands sideways in a peek-a-boo way. I always did that when I was nervous, it was just my thing. He chuckled and took another bite. I shrugged, smiling. I took a bite and mmmm-ed. He laughed again, shaking his head and taking another bite. We finished the slice and went to the living room after putting the cake in the freezer. 

Hey guys! Once again: I'm sorry it took me so long to post this chapter! I went swimming at my uncle's house - and before y'all come at me in the comments, we all stayed six feet apart ;) -then I had to take a shower and of course, do some more TikTok dances... ;D Anyway, I love y'all and thanks so much for 34.3k reads! Bye!!!

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