let's get it !! (warnings !!)

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whEw chile, i'm alIVE. today, I will be publishing the continuation to 'tough uwu', which will be called 'ok boomer.' in this chapter, i'm gonna state the warnings so people don't get FUCKING offended. yes, I said it. some people are a little too sensitive. and if you don't like gayness, switching, or just my writing in general? out your thang down, flip it and reverse your ads outta here, hun. because this IS boutta be a long ass ride.


i. quite a lot of cursing.
ii. mature content, mostly gay sex.
iii. mentions of killing, gangs and gore.
iiii. dark humor, oui.
iiiii. me being very blunt towards haters, ty.

well, they aren't much, but read them. READ THEM. ion need any karens coming at me for 'rUinIng tHe bOok' smfh. anyway, I hope you all enjoy !! you .ca also request senarios and different tiktoks tae should do. tY !!

ok boomer. :: taegguk.Where stories live. Discover now