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remember how taegguk met? well, how about we take a look at their past lives, shall we? I suggest you buckle up, huns. because this is gonna be a long, LONG ride.

kim taehyung was born into a not-so well off family. his father left when taehyung was only five, leaving him and his mother to fend for themselves. taehyung's mother struggled to keep a roof over their heads, keep good on the table and just boarderline survive without any form of support. the woman had refused to tel her parents about the situation, finding the truth quite embarrassing. she also thought of it as her problem, not wanting to drown anyone else in her life problems.

by the time taehyung turned ten, his mother was barely at home, juggling three jobs just to provide for her only child. she didn't even have time to kiss taehyung goodbye in the mornings, she was hardly able to attend events at taehyung's school. for almost every parent-teacher meeting, when taehyung's mother's name was called, nobody answered. and as you may have guessed, taehyung was brutally affected by this.

by the time taehyung hit high school, he was rebelious. though good in his academics, he was known for being a trouble maker. he gave zero fucks about anyone, he never listened to any of his teachers and even the principal. and this was all the product of not having his parents with him. now older, he was able to understand why his mother was barely at home, why she was never there when he needed her the most. though, his knowledge never stopped him from being heartbroken.

coming down to the end of taehyung's high school career, taehyung has finally stopped his antics. he showed respect to his teachers, apologized prefusly to the principal for his wrong doings and promised to never act out again. he even took it upon himself to tell the principal and teachers why he was acting up, and of course they pitied him. the principal even paid for taehyung to go to therapy on fridays after school, said sessions calming taehyung down even further.

now in college, taehyung was known as the campus' beauty. his blonde hair contrasting perfectly with his golden skin, his pretty brown eyes shining brightly as he smiled and greeted people in the halls. majoring in art, the college student spent most of his time in the art room, humming quietly with his soothing deep voice as he skillfully traced his paint brush over a blank canvas. this was his happy place; him, his paintbrush, his canvases and his paint.

as we all can see, taehyung has come a long way. and now, let's take a little dive into his now husband's past life, shall we?

jeon jeongguk was raised in a well off family. his father ran a gang that was passed on by jeongguk's late grandfather while his mother worked as the ceo of jeongguk's father's company. though a mafia leader, jeongguk's father was a loving man; though, that only showed when it came to his family. jeongguk's mother was the same, a very soft and loving woman who loved her son and husband dearly.

jeongguk's father always told the young ravenette that one day he would be the leader of his mafia, "one day, my boy, you will be the leader of this mafia. you will make it bigger, make it better than I have. you will succeed, my son." were the exact words jeongguk's father drilled in his head. and from then on, the young ravenette was determined to make his father proud.

by the age of ten, jeongguk already knew his way around a gun; knowing how to load one, cock it back, aim steadily. his father made sure that the male was safe at all times, either having bodyguards follow the young raven to school.he did it all for his heir's protection and safety. and oh, did jeongguk use it to his advantage.

by the time jeongguk was a senior in high school, he was known as a total heartthrob. he had every female and male wrapped around his finger. though, he never filled around with any of the females or males he knew that he could easily get. he was amazing in his academics, coming out on top of his classes in almost every quiz, test of project they did. and to say he was proud of himself would be a fucking understatement.

at his high school graduation, his father and mother say proudly in the crowd of parents and relatives, both sheding tears as they watched their son walk up to the podium, a dark red gown along with a dark red hat adorning his frame. and to say his parents embarrassed him would be another fucking understatement. "oH MY GOD THATS MY BABY UP THERE!" jeongguk's mother wailed, his father close behind her, "tHAT'S MY BOY, GET THIS BREAD!!" so yeah, that happened.

and now, jeongguk was the leader of his father's mafia. to the outside he was a coldhearted killer; someone that have not a single fuck for people and their lives. but those closest to him knew that he was just a giant baby that was waiting to find the perfect partner. his best friends jimin, yoongi, hoseok, seokjin and namjoon were always by his side, running the gang along side their leader.

and as you can see, these two opposites seemingly attracted each other. and together, they formed a tough uwu.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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