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It was just a normal day. You set up your stand a few hours early, a few posters were sold the moment you entered, you were a well know artist and even made costume props for schools and cosplayers. A meeting of cosplayers, fans and pro hero's was about to start so barely anyone remained around the stands.

Background information 

After having your dreams crushed by the realization that you would never be a hero. Your quirk was confusion, with that as a quirk it would be useless in battle, and for directions you later found out. All you were able to do was make someone lost, it also affected yourself when used so once they broke free from it you would be open wide for any attacks for at least an hour. It was pointless to fight villans in a state like that so after middle school you moved onto art, you specialized  in shirtless men weird enough, fit bodies were what you were known for, you soon became famous for your hero artwork. From popularity to open requests and personal artwork. It soon became your career and if hero work didn't work out than art was defently a close second.

Back to present

Just as you were restalking your stand with mic, and eraser head posters a lound ringing sound from the speakers started. "ITS YOUR FAVERITE PRO HERO, M-MIC! IN EXACTLY 5 MINUTES THE MEET AND GREET WILL START SO RUSH OVER TO MEET YOUR FAVROTE PRO HEROS!!!" Once the ringing in your ears stopped you went back to restalking the posters.

Time skip 24minutes

You were fully restalked when footsteps came from the entrance. You quickly got up from under your stand when the footsteps stopped at your stand. You stood to see a cosplayer, of one of your favorite heros, bakugou. You were in awe with how realistic the costume was to the real one. You were both just stareing at eachother, you were examining all his features while he clearly wanted to buy something. You came back to reality after staring at the 'fake' stun grenades on his arms for a minute.  You spouted, "Uh im sorry, those are cool props! Your cosplay is really amazing!" You gave a gentle smile as you fixed your own clothes. "What would you like?" You got ready to get down the posters for his request. "uh can i have that one?" His voice was deep, aluring to you. The bakugou cosplayer pointed to a all might poster. I smiled as i got down the poster, "um if you wouldn't mind, could i have a photo? Your cosplay is really amazing and i would throw in any other poster of your choice if you did, i mean you don't have to i mean..." You handed him the all might poster and waited for the expected no. "uh sure," his answer shocked you and you quickly brought out your camera, its mostly used for refrence photos, but at a con it is a great way to make new freinds. You took off your jacket to reviealing your own work of bakugou, in his well known stance but his explosions were hearts. When the cosplayer saw the shirt he just stared, "do you not like the deigsign? I thought it would be cute for him. If you don't like it i could just put my jacket back on." You rushed back to your jacket. "no your shirts fine, lets take the photo?" He scratched the back of his head. You went back to him with your camera," okay one, two, three! You smiled tring not to make him feel uncomfortible by not getting close but in the end for the both of you to fit in the picture you had to be close. You were basicly in his arms. After the picture, he picked out his other item, another allmight artwork, a keychain. You gave the cosplayer a discount for the photo, half off. After being in his arms, his body was obviously good, you wanted to ask him to be your model but was to embarased to ask. 

   He asked, "where is the meet and greet held at I've been trying to find it but your the only one here." You responded, " uh, its to the right a few shops down, and its already started, about 30 minutes ago actually." The cosplayer looked shocked, "what!?" He quickly got back his cool and wrote on a notepad you had open to take inventory, "here's my number, call me," he put down his name as well, 'what did I read wrong? It says Katsuki bakugou!' You quickly looked up at the smirking hero. "your really him!?" Before you could ask any more questions he left off to the meet and greet, sure to make an entrance half and hour late.

This is NOT my original, I have made many changes to make it not the same though, i read this as a short story and wanted to continue it, I have changed it all up and this is the only chapter that was not completely original, I look forward to continuing this little story, it won't be that long but I don't want to end it here. I hope you all enjoyed, thanks for reading and have a good day or night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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