New Beginnings

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Cassandra and I had a sister evening out. We went to Diary Queen, because it was closer to her place. At Diary Queen, Cassandra was telling me about the things that Shannon has already done. Little Shannon will be just like her mother, well, not too much like her. I don't think Cassandra would appreciate being a grandmother when Shannon is fifteen. I would not be able to do that!

"Hey, could you tell Mrs. Jonson thank you for helping you cut my hair." I dropped Cassandra off at her place.

"Don't worry, I'll tell her for ya." Cassandra waved to me and made her way to the door.

"Hey, Cassandra!" I stopped her. "Don't ya be doing anything stupid now, got it?"

She laughed, "Got it! Shouldn't I be telling you that?!" she went on inside.

I got an odd feeling, like she and I won't be hanging out again for a long time after tonight. I wasn't grateful enough to have a good night sleep. Then next day I meet up with Two-bit and Steve. They were shocked to see me looking like a guy again. It was a good feeling to be this way again. We were in English class, and Two-bit was getting his bit in to the teacher. It was entertaining the entire class.

There was a knock at the door, and Jarrel appeared from behind the door. Obviously some people recognized him and were getting overly excited to see him. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but is Andy Dranger in here?"

"Ya weren't interrupting anything. Two-bit here was teaching us life learning matter." I stood up. I got few of my class members to laugh/chuckle at my little overview of the entire class period.

I followed Jarrel out to the hallway. Class was close to being over, so it was cool with me. We weren't really learning anything at the time being as it is. I stood there awkwardly waiting for him to start talking, but he was staring at me. It was quite weird at the same time.

"You've cut your hair." He pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah... Got tired of it being so long." I gave him a snippy attitude.

"You probably still want to know why I am here. Am I right? Well, a man named James Toon sent me information about you when you were fifteen." He went to a heart hitting fact.

"First off, I had no idea that my father did that. Second off, my father was murdered on my seventeenth birthday in front of me and my kid sister." I slightly got in his face, and I think he became slightly scared of me.

"I had no idea! I'm so sorry for your loss! Your father wants me to make you famous. He thought you had a lot of character." He tried to explain to me.

"Mr. Anderson, thank you for the offer, but I found out that I am nine weeks pregnant and I have criminal records. Besides, I have no idea on how to act." I stared down at him.

Mr. Anderson grabbed something out of his pocket, "Here, at least take this. I will be leaving tomorrow morning, but you can call me at this number at any time." he handed over a piece of paper/card with his professional number on it.

The bell rang as he walked away form me. I went to go work at the store after school, so I can hang out with Soda later on tonight. I had Steve relay the message to Sodapop. I plan on telling Sodapop about me being pregnant and my job offer. I hope everything goes right tonight!

"Is there any sort of reason why you are working early tonight?" Mr. John slightly scared me.

As I was working, I was thinking about the acting offer. I need to make a living at something other than working here. This job is great and all, but not a good paying job. I was also thinking about how Soda was going to react to the news. What if he didn't want any part with this child of ours, or will he stay with me?

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