| Act 2 | Ênâd-nurt Gêdul |

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A/N: This is Neo-Khuzdul (New Dwarvish) for 'Happy Birthday' And the titles of the scene are as follows - Scene 1: Do not Fear (Latin) - Scene 2: Birth (Neo-Khuzdul) - Scene 3: I love you little one (German)

| Act 2 | Ênâd-nurt gêdul | Scene 1: Nolite Timere | Start |

"Get the healer! Quickly!!" Fili ordered. The guard, shocked that they would need one this quickly, nodded, and ran to the healer's quarters.

Kili and Dila heard the racket in the halls, and immediately went to see their brother and sister respectively.

"Brother!" Kili called, "Nila..." He gasped, seeing Nila pale and death like, but still breathing.

"Nye!" Dila cried out, holding her sister's hand, and beseeching her to awaken.

"What happened?!" Kili exclaimed.

"She shook me awake, and then passed out... She hasn't been feeling well, so this isn't unexpected perse..." Fili held her hand, "She kept insisting she was okay! I knew I should have called the healer anyway..." He stood at the door as the healer came in, and ushered the three out.

"Please leave, my prince. All will be well." The healer assured.

An hour passed, and Fili was growling, "What in Mahal's name is taking so long?!" His unkempt hair from slumber was swaying when he turned, and Dila looked down. Kili tried to find the words to comfort Fili, but none came.

"My prince..." The healer smiled, "She is awake."

"Fili..." Nila had a soft smile on her face, "Oh, Fili...!"

"What's going on?! Are you okay?" Fili panicked.

"You two have no need to fear any illness. Nine months should do the trick." The healer chuckled.

"N-nine months?! What?!" Fili demanded, what disease in Middle Earth took nine months to heal?!

"Dear... I'm pregnant." Nila was crying. Her red hair was sprawled out around her head from where she had been sleeping, and the tears reflected happiness in her eyes.

Fili just stood there, and heard Kili hooting with laughter on the other side. Dila thwacked his arm, "Hush! You're going to be an uncle!" And obviously reality hit Kili, who calmed down.

"Th-this is... Wonderful!" Fili announced, "More than wonderful! Fantastic! Euphoric! Nila! We're going to be parents!" Fili turned to her.

She smiled softly, and closed her eyes, "It is, isn't it?"

Fili laid beside her, and put a hand on her stomach, rubbing it as the healer left, and Kili and Dila's footsteps lead back to their seperate rooms, down the hall.

"So," Fili asked, cuddling up to her, placing his other hand on her stomach stilling them, "Boy or girl?" He smiled into her hair.

"The Valars' name if I know, Fee!" She giggled, "Though..."

"Though..." Fili asked, quirking a brow as she faced him.

"I think it'll be a boy." She smiled, snuggling up to him, "An heir for you." She gently kissed his lips.

As Nila fell asleep, Fili kissed her stomach.

The next morning, Fili helped Nila braid her hair; after helping her bathe, dress, and every other little thing she does in the mornings. Then a knock came on the door, "Fili!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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