And Death His Legacy

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        There have been times as of late, those rare times that are becoming all the more common now, when the past meets to shake hands with the present. It is at those times that I find myself questioning and unsure. Unsure of those actions I had taken many years previously. Unsure wether or not I had made the right decision, but no, I couldn't have, for there was no right decision, it was one or the other, and the second one had called to me so boldly and asked me to spare the first; so what could I have done? That is the question that becomes prominent in my mind as of late, blowing on the breeze of my thoughts and taking root somewhere deep inside me where i can not displace it. I have also come to realize, as I reflect upon my actions, my decisons, that I have learned as much from him as he did from me, perhaps even more. I still find myself stopping sometimes, on a hurried errand to pick up another surprise one that I didn't see coming, to pause for a brief moment that seems like eternity and watch the second one, or to glance at the first ones' house, in his window. The one who taught me to see the colours even as I taught, no.. forced, him to see the dark. It is he now, who dwells upon my subconsious and makes for a restless night of collecting. It is his face, and the face of the second, who i see in each watery grave i pass. And it is the both of them that have taught me not to get attatched to the humans i come to carry away, for it is that moment I think that defines me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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